Big temptation

Big temptation

The almost unlimited power given to humans. This is, by using a great deal, is intended to build a happy world.This great power has first of all exceeded the scope of personal life. It's too big for yourself or for the life of your family. Actually, people have this great power in their hands to make for good thing or evil, and always appeal into a broad society. Men to collect a lot of things that you and your family alone cannot use, or move many people. This is not seen in animals. From a biological point of view, only human beings have a special way of living apart from other animals. They are happy to gather people and play, and to compete. Bring various tools together and try out each other. Certainly an interesting and mysterious race. Similar things can be seen in the animal world. But that is all within the scope of decent instinct. Only humans live far beyond nature.

This power given to humans, this great power, seems to increase as you use it more. On the other hand, if you don't use it, it will disappear. The human body and mind are weakened from where they are not used. However, there is a feeling in people's hearts that it is a loss to use and it is easier to not use. This is a big break in the human mind. A sad division. From one side, human beings live with their own grave temptation to live without moving themselves as much as possible. But on the other hand, if you don't do anything until you die, there is no point in being alive. I know this too. The real meaning of life is to use up all of you before you die.
Even if you leave it behind, you can't take it to the bank of death. Only people who use it generously and have given it to someone else can take it to the other side beyond death. People only have the meaning of living abundantly only to give themselves to those who are not themselves.Really mysterious.

But when you think about it, human nature is like a tool for people to live. No matter how much a tool is perfect and excellent, there is no point in using it. Human nature does not have a last meaning in itself. It is a tool for everyone to live, including will, reason, and body. Meaning comes out only when used for God and neighbors. However, the heart of people is praised. Finally, when you use yourself for a person, this time you will feel regretful and regrettable. It's just for use and has been prepared for use. Nevertheless, people refuse from themselves. Instead, do as little as possible and want to stay in your forever. This is a great temptation. Moreover, it is rooted in the deepest part of the human heart. It is very difficult to overcome this. It can be said to be a work or a wonder. The person who has come to think that it is a loss to use what you have to use in the opposite way. The division is great.

But here is something I want to think about again. Is this division only from the original sin? Or is it a battle to advance to live more like a human being in the evolution and development of human nature? Now, let's suppose that human nature is given personality (persona), and it has become a complete human being. This natural part of nature is due to the evolutionary movement that this wilderness has continued to animals. When it became a part of human beings, did it suddenly cease the evolutionary movement so far and become instantaneously human beings? This is not considered as common sense in biology today.


The history of mankind is at most 2 million years. In the meantime, humans have gradually changed little by little, from the appearance of the original people close to monkeys to the shape of human beings like now. As far as human nature is concerned, this long path cannot be ignored. I don't think the ancestors were good-looking humans who have evolved from the beginning to the same or more neatly. Real human beings have received their original human nature in a very primitive and truly animal form, and gradually changed it into a form that still fits the way it is as a true personality. On the way up. Then, it is already a human being as a personality, and the place that still needs to be changed more like a human being, that is, the remnant from the time it was an animal, the opening between this time. It can be said that this natural difference is manifested in a movement that is truly unhuman, in which a person puts himself out.


This is a little different from the original sin.When human beings dig and cultivate their nature using the power of rationality and will that are inherent in that nature, it is a battle with the part that has not yet been cultivated and remains as an animal. And that's not just the result of the original sin, and there is no hard fight in life. Even in paradise, Adam and Eve weren't just playing around for a walk. He lived on a mission to “plow the earth” (Genesis 1-28). In the fact that we are human beings, there are hard fights that cultivate one's self as nature, and a worthwhile fight that should be done with all your efforts. The power that God has given to nature, and thus to human beings as the pinnacle of nature, is a great energy that will complete this world.

In the nature of a person, it has not yet become completely human nature, and there remains a fertility from the time of an animal that it's a great loss to me. People overcome this nature by plowing this with the power of rationality and will. And overcoming them, I give myself to the hands of God and my neighbor. In the end, enemies are also friends, and it is the mission that people should “cultivate the earth” of their natural nature (Genesis 1-18). Of course, this is not all human reality. Even things like the work of the devil must be considered as the truth of faith. However, we still have to continue researching what this means.