
People eat people

People eat people However, in this world, there is a force that prevents humans from walking to such gods and neighbors. According to the Bible, such a hindering force works harder as the world, mankind, and each individual's step gets clo…

Hell theory in the Catholic Church

Hell theory in the Catholic Church This can only be in relation to the completion of salvation by death on the cross of Christ. Even if only hell is separated from salvation and the terrible state is drawn, it is not the hell that the Bibl…

In the parable of Christ

In the parable of Christ there is a story of a sly servant. He did something sloppy while his husband was away, but it was found because his husband came home suddenly. This tells you although you still have time, and that you must not slo…

what is the judgment of God?

C, what is the judgment of God? Let's consider the end here. The Bible often comes to an end. That is, death, heaven, hell, and judgment. Also, in general, about the end, this is usually thought of as the first time Jesus Christ taught the…

God's judgment

6 God's judgment The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ is the judgment of God. Let's first consider the meaning of the judgment of God. Then, consider why Christ's Passion and Death is God's judgment. God's judgment and human judgment is f…

God's judgment

6 God's judgment The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ is the judgment of God. Let's first consider the meaning of the judgment of God. Then, consider why Christ's Passion and Death is God's judgment. God's judgment and human judgment is f…

Passion of Christ-Salvation of God

5 Passion of Christ-Salvation of God As St. Paul says, if the Passion of the Lord and Death on the Cross are love, then we can confirm the true love itself from here.To begin with, there are four things here.First of all, accept everything…

The Passion of Christ - The Salvation of God

The Passion of Christ - The Salvation of GodIn other words, whether everyone is thinking, gentle and warm, sometimes passionate and intense love is the true love.Of course, Christ's Passion and the Death of the Cross are engulfed by the or…

Those who want to gain their lives lose it

“Those who want to gain their lives lose it” Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.(John 15;13)When dying for a friend, the very opposite of life, that is, dying, is completely assimilated and inco…

Passion of Christ-salvation of God

Passion of Christ-salvation of GodChrist never sees the painful path of affliction, either shaking off something bad or accepting it without help. On the contrary, the Lord is trying to accept everything so as not to leave anything to suff…

Passion of Christ-salvation of God

Passion of Christ-salvation of God;• Next, Christ receives the suffering of the affliction from deeper than the suffering. "Father, please remove this cup from me, if you wish, but please be willing, not my wish" (Luke 22; 42)The suffering…

Passion of Christ - The Salvation of God

5 Passion of Christ - The Salvation of God Passion road leading to death of the cross. It is the judgment of God and the way of salvation. According to the Bible, the death of Christ is not just punishment or suffering. Nor does it mean th…

The beginning of the kingdom of God, the end of this world

(4) The beginning of the kingdom of God, the end of this world The blood shed by the Lord at the time of the affliction was "the blood of the covenant for many people to get forgiveness of sin" (Matthew 26; 28).This is a new contract. The …

The beginning of the kingdom of God, the end of this world

(4) The beginning of the kingdom of God, the end of this world The blood shed by the Lord at the time of the affliction was "the blood of the covenant for many people to get forgiveness of sin" (Matthew 26; 28).This is a new contract. The …

Fighting the power of darkness

3 Fighting the power of darknessThe battle of Jesus Christ was also difficult. The New Testament teaches clearly. But who the battle was against? Someone was not the other person. It is not the power of the world or the Roman Empire, nor i…

Obedience of the Son

2 Obedience of the Son It was because of the endless love of the Trinity that God the Father sent him to death on his only son, the Jesus Cross. The Son lived this love and walked unquestionably on the path to the painful cross within obed…

Father's massage

Father's messageAccording to the Gospels, all the events in the Passion are not solely due to the will and desire from the human side. For this reason, here too, it is impossible to avoid feelings of contradiction when considering the rela…

A part of Passion

1. A part of Passion; The Passion part looks like an actual record or as a series of stories. However, if you look closely, this is not the case. Something like memo to explain the Lord's Passion was gathered, and as it was arranged side b…

Establishment of the Gospel

cyogiro-edoya01.hatenablog.com b. Establishment of the GospelThe same things are true for the gospel. The entire Gospel is not a series of stories that we imagine.Initially a piece of memo is made that is actually useful for teaching or re…

The Establishment of Passion

The Establishment of Passion;The passage of passion is one key to thinking about the establishment of the Gospel. If you read Paul's letter and compare the four gospels, you can see what each gospel is written about. However, it is not on…


A New View;What it meaning "The New" is which inform you that it came out later than the Paul in time.This is the idea of ​​fulfilling the prophecy. This often appears in the Bible after Matthew and Luke, after the Gospel, after the destru…

The passion of christ / Of an old tradition

The passion of christ / Of an old tradition(3) Finally, there is a story about the Lord's Passion. This is a special kind of sentence that belongs to the oldest part of the Gospel. However, it was not incorporated into Marco's Gospel in it…

What remained and what did not

What remained and what did not; Depending on the church and the needs, new things are added and things that have been so far disappeared. Like much of human memory, what is needed remains forever. Unnecessary things are quickly forgotten a…

Friends of sin

Friends of sin; This is a weird expression. But it's called "Birds of a feather flock together". In a person's world, you can't make friends with anyone. Then, if we look at who Christ is with and who he hated, he will understand from ther…

Theory of ugliness;

Theory of ugliness; At first glance; it seems that Christ had the charm of attracting many people. Even so, it is clear that the Lord would have affected so many people from the fact that Frisians and temple officials viewed him as dangero…

The Appearance of the Lord Jesus as a Man

The Appearance of the Lord Jesus as a Man Jesus Christ is the Son of God. At the same time he was born to Virgin Mary, and achieved salvation through his death and resurrection. The disciples saw this sight of Christ and followed it. He wo…

What the Luke’sauthor want to write in its second part?

What the Luke’sauthor want to write in its second part? (1) The author of Luke knows nothing about the journey in Christ's public life, either directly or indirectly. Of course, about that Christ went on a journey of evangelism with his d…

What the Luke’sauthor want to write in its second part?

What the Luke’sauthor want to write in its second part? (1) The author of Luke knows nothing about the journey in Christ's public life, either directly or indirectly. Of course, about that Christ went on a journey of evangelism with his d…

Samaria, the land of gentiles

Samaria, the land of gentiles; From luke's point of view, the Lord has been with his disciples for quite some time in Samaria. It seems like a few months or at least a few weeks. But it is almost inconceivable that the Lord, along with his…

Additional Resources

Additional Resources;A comparison of the Gospels of Marco and Luke reveals the idea of the author of Luke. He is based on Marco's gospel and writes with extra material. The materials collected in this way are properly distributed as events…