The Appearance of the Lord Jesus as a Man

The Appearance of the Lord Jesus as a Man

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. At the same time he was born to Virgin Mary, and achieved salvation through his death and resurrection. The disciples saw this sight of Christ and followed it. He worked for the salvation of the world. The disciples saw this sight of Christ and followed him and worked for the world. It is only natural that the Church of Christ wants to know what the Lord Jesuit Christ actually looked like. However, there is no concrete description of this figure of Christ in the Bible at all. The First Church was convinced that the Second Coming of the Lord and the end of the world were serious. It is no wonder that those who thought they would meet the Lord today or tomorrow would not leave the Lord behind. But as a result, we couldn't understand any details. However, man cannot be satisfied then. In the Church, there are roughly three theories about the Lord's appearance as a person. It is not to become it to be a controversy mutually even if it is said the theory. After all, it is the one like the stage of consent until it comes to the place of not knowing. It's just speculation.

Charm Theory It is natural to think that the appearance of Christ was very attractive from a general idea usually. Great people, people you respect, and like people who you know or don't know, you'll be attracted to something. I have a similar feeling when I see buddha statues. It is so also the appearance of Jesuit Christ drawn in the art. It is not because it was actually a person of such an appearance. Each of this painter and the writer wrote the beauty thought to be an ideal for themselves.

However, there are many places in the Bible that tell the story of christ's charm.
Many people gather around the Lord to hear his story. "A large crowd came to Jesuit"
(John 6;2).

To tell the truth, there is a little problem in this "Large" . The reason is to explain this number, and to write, "The number of men was about 5,000 people" (John 6;10). It is a meaning that it does not say in the number though the woman and the child were together at that time that man's number and it is said.Then, if all are put together, it is an abnormal number of people which are hardly thought at that time. This large crowd did not gather for the miracle of bread. It is people who have gathered to hear the story of Jesuit Christ before the miracle that bread increases happens. The disciples tried to buy bread to feed these people, and 200 denarios were not enough for that.

One Denario is one day's salary for a person who works in the Grape field at that time.
The salary of 200 days is about 1,000,000 yen from about 500,000 yen because it is about seven months. However, has a large crowd of it really gathered around Christ in the place away from the village at that time when the population is few? The more i try to think more specifically, the more this miracle itself seems to emerge from reality. No more is a matter of biblical studies.