Passion of Christ-Salvation of God

5 Passion of Christ-Salvation of God

As St. Paul says, if the Passion of the Lord and Death on the Cross are love, then we can confirm the true love itself from here.To begin with, there are four things here.
First of all, accept everything that has been born with the personality, constitution, environment, talents, weaknesses, shortcomings, etc. that you have been thinking as the basis for your life. Secondly, do not neglect the effort to do as much as possible by accepting the movements of life from God and people on the foundation. Third, it's creepy that you can't do it well, especially deep in life, that is, without your consent, it gets into yourself and swallow your efforts so far, to forgive things at the end. Fourth, don't run away from the spooky feeling that all of you are swallowed into innocent emptiness, this irresponsible frustration. In fact, this is the love of God who appears on the cross. And the salvation of man is in this love. Eventually, in this way, we take everything from God and incorporate it into our work of living and assimilate until there is no other way of living. There is no other salvation for others.The other thing, such as that all happiness, it becomes to be immersed in the goodness of just a feeling.Happiness alone makes people more and more stuck to themselves and cannot get out of it. And you can't entrust yourself to God. This is hell. It is an unhappy that cannot be saved.