The Passion of Christ - The Salvation of God

The Passion of Christ - The Salvation of God
In other words, whether everyone is thinking, gentle and warm, sometimes passionate and intense love is the true love.
Of course, Christ's Passion and the Death of the Cross are engulfed by the original sins committed by the ancestors and the many sins that came out of them. But here comes another problem. How can suffering and death be the source of sin forgiveness? Forgiveness of sin, the Father left the Son to anger and suffered. I can't think of it. Another way of thinking is that people can't feel to forgive just because they suffer, so they make their sons suffer from humans. But if that is wrong, what does it mean that the Father wanted the Passion of the Son of Christ?
Generally, forgiveness of sin is by love. For that reason, what is the relationship between the love for forgiveness of sin and the Passion and Death of Christ on the Cross? Thus, just as a result of the sins of mankind, it is not possible to explain the form of love, the passing of Christ and the cruel death on the cross. It is a difficult occasion. If the suffering is only the result of the original sin, then the person before committing the present lived a gentle, warm and passionate life of love for God and for each other. But I don't think so. Genesis says that the man before committing the original sin was tempted. This gentle and warm love probably has a physiological and biological aspect. It is also a manifestation of spiritual and love of the heart. However, according to psychological experiments, this manifestation can become stronger or weaker depending on hormone secretion.

It may be out of place to bring out biology and psychology in Christology.
But biological love is also an important part of human love. And, the problem is complex only because of it. For example, it is an idea to bring the feeling that it is a warm person or a cold person who comes from the hormone to a little with a lot of love as a personality as it is.
The influence of constitution, personality, environment, etc. is greater than expected. In particular, the influence of the age and environment that is experienced in early childhood and adolescence has a great relationship with the work of the person's heart. But what is the love of the heart itself? Indeed, I cannot believe only psychology and physiology say. However, the results of experimental research cannot be ignored. Even if you try to do your best with love of personality and spirit, the kindness of warm love from the heart will disappear if the hormone does not actually work. There are various explanations about it. I can't afford to think about what the explanation is now. Just longing for everyone
Warm, deep-hearted compassion, overflowing loyalty, tenderness, etc. have some problems. Such a phenomenon cannot be easily linked to the love of personality and spirit. Isn't it possible to understand the life of love itself more reliably from a slightly different aspect?