People eat people

People eat people

However, in this world, there is a force that prevents humans from walking to such gods and neighbors. According to the Bible, such a hindering force works harder as the world, mankind, and each individual's step gets closer to the purpose. What is the power of darkness that prevents this person from being saved? It is difficult to clarify this. However, it is human beings who come to the eyes as such an eerie power. The fact that a person eats a person is a feeling that mankind has had.

Therefore, the act of living in this world does not allow simple optimism. It's complicated. It is not something that can be managed only by discussion and sincerity. That's not to say that there is no meaning to this effort. No, you have to work hard. But that is not enough. You cannot love God and your neighbors with all your heart and effort while keeping your interests safe and secure without hurting yourself in this world. This is like "serving two masters." This world is not as sweet as it can be (Matthew 6; 24). You can only save your life by abandoning your life for God and your neighbors. Here is the judgment of God.

Finally, the work of sin is only before God, which will eventually serve christ's salvation. This is god's judgment that this salvation of God is completed, that this is clearly manifested before all men, and that all of us came to be saved by the one who crucified them all.

I have been thinking about God's judgment until now. So what does Christ's passing and death become the judgment of God?

The fact that the atonement for sin was fulfilled
Sin and death were overcome by Christ's Passion and Death. “Even though we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Thus God showed love for us. We are now justified by the blood of Christ. And so will be saved from the wrath of God by Christ ”(Rome 5; 8-9). Sin was completely judged by the death of Christ.

The direct cause of Christ suffering and disappearing from the cross is in human sin. On the surface is the blindness and hardness of God's people Israel, but in the back is the power of darkness that has fallen into the entire human race. "Now is the time of rule of darkness" (Luke 22; 53). This power of darkness strikes the Lord Jesus, and finally wields power until he kills the Lord on the cross. The power of sin was so great that it afflicted God and killed him. Here, the form of sin was revealed and appeared as it was.
The power of the darkness that had been hidden until that time was tormented and killed the child of God, and the figure was exposed to light. At that time, the Son of God “was entrusted to do nothing to do”
(Rome1; 28). God's judgment begins from this “leaved to the eggplant”.

It is necessary to know the peculiarity of god's judgment here well. When we read the Bible and look at the course of the world, it seems that there is little that God can directly punish me for various inconveniences and deceptions. God waits quietly to the point where the managing ends up in this world while overdoing the inconvenience of this world.
It intervenes from the middle, the mask of evil is pulled off, the evil is exposed, and it does not do the thing of punishing it accordingly. Judas also accomplishes the work of betrayal to the end. Both the Romans and the Jews have taken Christ to the end of the cross and treated him to the fullest of his heart. God doesn't say anything. It receives it as it is regarded silently. Even after the Resurrection, the Lord never appeared before those who crucified him. This shows that God has taken on all the inconveniences of this human world and is determined to accept it to the end. It is god's judgment as it is that it receives everything like this, and it suffers all.
Here is a peculiar point of God's judgment. If this is corrected to a mean word, there is no rewind in the passion of Jesuit Christ. If an enemy attacks you and the enemy runs out of power, you can rewind if it is a normal battle. It is a counterattack.
But in the case of Christ, it is not seen.

In a word, the enemy with good condition till then is crushed all at once by the resurrection for instance, and it is not seen at all to boast the victory of love and justice to the world. The appearance of the resurrection is also only made only for a specific disciple and only for the mission of becoming a witness of the Lord's resurrection. In a word, it is completely lacking the thing to be felt that the chest relieves the one about the track or with eyes catched. However, it is very doubtful whether there was an enemy as man in feelings of Christ who receives suffering. Hating the enemy is a long time ago, and from now on, everyone is doing it if they love only their loved ones. It is Christ to have been taught so.
Was the Jesuit himself going to turn someone of man into an enemy, to fight the person, and to destroy the person? Jesus is Christ, the Savior. It is said that he will not give up even the last one. Therefore, the judgment is in the place where it saves it to the end, too. It is not only a good man.
He is the one who came to save the sinners who "need a doctor".