Hell theory in the Catholic Church

Hell theory in the Catholic Church

This can only be in relation to the completion of salvation by death on the cross of Christ. Even if only hell is separated from salvation and the terrible state is drawn, it is not the hell that the Bible teaches. Rather, it is just a selfish imagination that emerged from the curiosity of people. The punishment of hell does not mean that a man who does not want to receive God's salvation is reminded of how horrible god will be.
Rather, it was taught as an integral part of Christ's salvation splendor.

What gradually becomes clear in this way is that the end and the judgment as part of it depend on the current life when people live in this world.
This is related to the person's living in the blessing of Christ's salvation. As such, it is a time when you don't know when the end of the world will come and when you will die. You don't know when this will happen, so it's not a threat to a timid person who always lives without being forgetful. God called a person his friend and his son. Everyone is a child of God. There is no need for God to threaten people.

There is no judgment of God in the place where the result of the fight between them wins by thinking about the same power or the power in salvation and destruction. When this is summarized, it roughly becomes the following.

After all, no matter how you think, you can't think of salvation and destruction at the same rate. Rather, it can be called destruction as a manifestation of salvation. This is a strange way of saying. Speaking of God's judgment, the salvation of Christ must be realized first, and the joy that God's love has overcome all hatred must be remembered. There is no judgment of God in the place where the result of the fight between them wins by thinking about the same power or the power in salvation and destruction. When this is summarized, it roughly becomes the following.

First of all, the world as a whole is slowly moving towards a fixed purpose. History isn't always about repeating the same thing or just going around. The fact that there is judgment itself means that the world is taking a step that cannot be reversed. Then, one day suddenly, the path that we all walked to is over and we have a purpose. And it's not just a vague hint that someday, the end will come someday. The daily life of being alive today is an irreversible step. And the end of this step is Jesus Christ himself.

Next, the course of this world is only once for everyone. There is nothing in life that can be repeated. Even one day can't be repeated. Yesterday is yesterday and today is today. God's judgment is an irreversible place where each person's daily life is decisively the person himself. If you think about it, it's really tough. The reason is that there is no seriousness only to try for a moment no matter how small it is later.

The judgment of God also means that life may not always be a step in the direction it should be reached, and sometimes it may be a lost and spoiled. God and neighbors are all humans. A person leaves himself and walks toward God and his neighbors. But are you really going to be that way, or conversely, are you just focused on yourself, and after all you do, dare to get out of yourself, just stay firmly in yourself? This depends on your heart. This life on earth doesn't mean that you just need to eat or just work seriously. On the other hand, if God and his neighbor do not live as if they are all of us, we will not really live.