what is the judgment of God?

C, what is the judgment of God?

Let's consider the end here. The Bible often comes to an end. That is, death, heaven, hell, and judgment. Also, in general, about the end, this is usually thought of as the first time Jesus Christ taught the end of the world that humans cannot know in advance. Then this is like God's announcement of prophecy and fortune telling.
It resembles forecasts for earthquakes, weather, horse racing, and economics. If you know in advance when an earthquake or fire is going, it will be very convenient. However, the teachings at the end of the life cannot be considered as if God had gently informed the future that had yet to come. For example, god's judgment, just to be alert because there is such a thing in the future, because God is not cheated by Almighty God and the Omnipotent ones, it is profitable to do in the end to be honest and diligent, It is not able to take the meaning only of such a warning.There may also be such a meaning. But it is not only that, and it is not the most important purpose. End-of-life issues are related to the way people live in their current lives.
Of course, Christ does not try to tell when the end of the world will come. I don't know when it will come, indeed, the vague future is not important for the end.
There may also be such a meaning.But it is not only that, and it is not the most important purpose.End-of-life issues are related to the way people live in their current lives.
Of course, Christ does not try to tell when the end of the world will come.He does not know when it will come, indeed, the vague future is not important for the end. If the end of the world is the future and it is said that it is likely to come, the person who heard it will not be alert. But think about this again. God knows the end of the world and when each person's life will end. The Trinity god will do something like this, knowing it enough, hiding it, and letting people speak in ways that will make the world end. I wonder. A god who tried to save a person by throwing up to his life on the cross would not be willing to move that person.

The Church of Christ has been working for 2,000 years, wondering when the end of the world will come. If you interpret this badly, you will see a very mean God figure. Until now, the end of the world has not come. Christ knew well that the end of the world would not come at least as long as 2000 years. Nonetheless, the Early Church believed that the end of the world was just around the corner. Paul also writes in a letter like that. If we take this badly, god was silent that God knew that the world would not end even 2000 years ago, and that he believed that the First Society would soon be the end of the world. God was silent in saying anything.

During the last two thousand years, all the Christians did not know when the end of the world would come. Did everyone die as it was without anything after all while thinking that it did not understand when the end of the world came, and it thought right now?