Passion of Christ - The Salvation of God

5 Passion of Christ - The Salvation of God

Passion road leading to death of the cross. It is the judgment of God and the way of salvation. According to the Bible, the death of Christ is not just punishment or suffering. Nor does it mean that the suffering has allowed human sins.
If that is all, the Father of God will see the suffering of the passion of the Son Jesuit, and the feeling soured in anger till then, and it becomes a nature to finally forgive man's sin.
Don't think about salvation too easily here. Salvation means
At the cost of Christ's suffering, it is not just that a person who really sinned can be forgiven without suffering.
But that's not true.It's not God's teaching that the Bible teaches people until they feel good.God exactly exactly the opposite in the Son Christ.
“There are few people who are willing to die for the right person.
Christ died for us as sinners.By doing so, God towards us
He showed love "(Romans 5; 7-8)

Rethinking what the Lord's suffering and death are just about judgment and salvation
I have to see it. But before that, I would like to take a closer look here at how the Lord has endured suffering and death, now based on Bible text.
There are roughly four things.

・ Jesus Christ accepts the suffering from others as it is. Until then, the Lord
Over and over again, I avoided difficulties. Even when it was difficult, I was able to get out of the place. But at this last time, the Lord will not escape.
"Do you think I can't have more than 12 corps now sent to my heavenly messengers, but why is the Bible saying that I have to do this? Will it be fulfilled? "(Matthew 26; 53-54).

The Lord was prepared to leave nothing from the beginning to the end.and was prepared not to leave anything., He stopped silently until the end. he endured the things that were unfavorable to him without taking a step back. He could explain in various ways, "Jesus was silent and didn't answer anything"
(Matthew14;61)。Even when a good chance was given, "Jesus didn't answer anything so much that Pilate would wonder" (Marco15; 5). Jesus was prepared as Christ.

If it was normal, it might have been a feeling that it would just die. But Jesus doesn't think so. The people around him know that Jesus is quiet without resisting, so they will do their best with no mercy. They laugh, turns around, strikes, and puts him on the cross. Jesus takes this one by one, quietly with all his heart as if it were an important thing. This is because the opponent is so strong so that it doesn't mean he must be silent no matter what he give up. Jesus is not giving up, he is receiving it with all his heart, trying not to be left of his mind even a single person.