The beginning of the kingdom of God, the end of this world

(4) The beginning of the kingdom of God, the end of this world

The blood shed by the Lord at the time of the affliction was "the blood of the covenant for many people to get forgiveness of sin" (Matthew 26; 28).
This is a new contract. The Gospel teaches that a new era has begun from this time. When the crowd came to capture Jesus with Judas at the head, the Lord himself said, `` Now is your time and the time of dark rule. '' (Luke 22; 53)

"Now" means that once this is over, a new light special will come, not "time of dark rule." This “time of dark rule” ends when the Lord dies on the cross.
"The sun has lost its light, the whole earth has gone dark, and the temple curtain has been torn from the middle" (Luke 23; 44-45).
"There was another earthquake, the rocks were torn, the curtain was opened, and the bodies of many sleeping saints were revived" (Matthew 27; 51-52).
This mysterious phenomenon comes from the text of the Old Testament that tells us that the end of the world is endless and that a new era begins.
(Amos 8; 8-9, Joel 2; 10, Jeremiah 15; 9, Daniel 12; 2).

"Now" means that once this is over, a new light special will come, not "time of dark rule." This “time of dark rule” ends when the Lord dies on the cross.
"The sun has lost its light, the whole earth has gone dark, and the temple curtain has been torn from the middle" (Luke 23; 44-45).
"There was another earthquake, the rocks were torn, the curtain was opened, and the bodies of many sleeping saints were revived" (Matthew 27; 51-52).
This mysterious phenomenon comes from the text of the Old Testament that tells us that the end of the world is endless and that a new era begins.
(Amos 8; 8-9, Joel 2; 10, Jeremiah 15; 9, Daniel 12; 2).

It is impossible to say from the Bible alone whether this mysterious thing happened at the time of Lord’s death. It is particularly difficult for the saint' s dead bodies to be revived when the curtain opens. Why did Matthew's author take this to the death of the Lord? There are various theories to explain this. The sentence that the corpses of these saints have been revived is actually safe to go to the Lord's resurrection. Because Matthew wrote that this revived corpse “was out of the grave and entered the holy city after the resurrection of Jesus” (Matthew 27; 53). Then, the corpse that was revived when the Lord died was waiting in the grave until the resurrection of Christ. Speaking of being quiet in the grave, that may be fine. But that doesn't explain much. Rather, it seems better to think that there is something misunderstanding or wrong impressions in the text. There is a theory that "after the resurrection of Jesus" is a copy of "after the resurrection of them (Saints)". But this is also a little difficult.

It is because it seems that it is not necessary to write again in verse 12 when it revives before and to repeat it again in verse 13. There are many other difficulties. In the end, it's hard to imagine that this really happened.
But that's why Matthew's author's idea of writing these things is even clearer. In other words, this mysterious phenomenon is to show that the time of darkness is over by the death of Christ on the cross and the time of the kingdom of God has begun. Moreover, this is not just a mysterious event. It is a prophecy about the end that appears in the Old Testament. At that time, when I heard Matthew's phrase “the curtain opens”, everyone remembered the prophecy of the Old Testament.
Even so, I am amazed at the severity of how the darkness of the world came to an end. The Lord says to the people who finally came to catch him, "Now is your time and the time of darkness." Even the fact that “your time” and “time of darkness” are united is painful and sad to us r"

They don't even know what they're doing" (Luke 23;34) It might have said, and all was permitted.
Nevertheless, just the weak, Who is the man who has caught the silent and pulled lamb (Isaiah 53; 1-12), beaten to the limit of his power, and killed the god who does nothing? When I think of Jesuit Christ, who has suffered from suffering without saying anything to the end, and not fending off anything, I think that it is sad to be human. At the same time, the appearance of Almighty eternal God must not be felt even greater now. The figure of God who made the universe where the shining star shines is also great. God's greatness shines infinitely in the small flower which blooms without a name. Even more great men who have accomplished big projects can see god's help and preciousness. However, the appearance of the god who died silently while falling into this world by becoming a person for myself, and beating from "Chosen people" Israel which is my relative is bigger than all of them. Moreover, it is not death that it already gives up, and it becomes it very. He continues to hold on to the love and familiarity that imaginable, and now he is dead, trying to beat himself up and waving his hand. This is the true image of God.