Lord and the Resurrection and the Church

Lord and the Resurrection and the Church

On the contrary, it does not mean that you should start a big business for the people and give it to God. From the beginning, we will proceed with both half-finished. In the meantime, one deepens the other and the other deepens the other. Only in this way can people leave themselves and be able to live in the closest and the smallest. This is what human beings grow up. To that end, it is important to be generous, even to the possibility that it may seem a little overdone.

In terms of technology, "I'll give it to you when You can do it," I think it's too narrow way at the end happiness of people, that is, in the deep place where you live away from yourself and live in God and your neighbors. Of course, in many cases, such generosity is betrayed, and it is inevitable that there will be a lot of mistakes.
However, if he or she tries to make an effort while struggling to work on a given task while making up for the shortfall, it must be that it will grow big.

It is a standard product that you can nurture unilaterally so that something can be done, and that you only have to do the rest. It is necessary to avoid man as much as possible to make man a standard article.If it becomes a standard product, a person can not grow up to a true apostle who dedicates the love of the person to the neighbor and survives in the love line.

IV;witness of the Lord
The Bible says one more thing about being an Apostles. After Judas of Iscariot has left the line of the Twelve Apostles, one new person will be selected to fill the number of twelve. At that time, one of the conditions for who to choose is to be the witness of the Lord.
It is "a person who has acted with us all the time since John's baptism" and "becomes a witness of the resurrection of the Lord" to the Apostles (Acts 1; 22). There are two things here. First of all, we have been working together with other Apostles until now and will continue to work together. Next be a witness of the Lord's resurrection.

a; Work with other Apostles.
This is not about making something better in any way. Most of the time, the disciples don't seem to get along well with each other. There was strange competition and remorse. I wasn't very interested in each other emotionally either. Such circumstances are well expressed in the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. However, although it is so good, the early church is well organized, centered on Peter.