C. Be an apostle

Be an Apostle
From the way of being as the apostle of St. Paul which i have seen up to now, it can be said as follows about the ideal way as a general apostle.

(1)The Apostles do not have their own lives. The twelve apostles were to live with the Lord Jesus first and die with the Lord Jesus. It was a very long and painful road from the point where we fought for each other's greatest men, to abandoning ourselves and living for the Church for God. In Paul's case, this appears to have been accomplished in an instant outside the gates of Damascus. But in Paul's case, we must not forget that the painful and hard lives of the righteousness of the law had been going on for a long time. In any case, before being an Apostle, hopes, project, and dreams for the future disappear.

(2)It is natural to say that one's life is not because there is something much more important than one's life. It is, broadly speaking, that of God and the church, and more specifically, that of its neighbors, that is, the smallest. The apostles do not live by thinking about themselves. On the contrary, it seems to be the farthest from you, but still refers to people who live strongly, centering on the closest neighbors. There are two ways to live strong. First of all, if person is not strong, the smallest person who is not me cannot be made the center where the person lives.

Generally, man is a strange thing. On the one hand, we understand well that we are not the last purpose of our lives. On the other side, however, we know that, but we can't get away from ourselves. So in the end there is something that has been said that you can only live halfway. If you are not strong, you will not be able to break through this inertia. The second thing is that if you take away one by one in your own life, you can not endure it unless you are strong. You are pessimistic and lose power. So instead of living for a close person or a neighbor, you'll be more clinging to the fun left behind for yourself.

A great opportunity is behind the scenes. The apostles also fall to this sorrow and helpless place in a little more. They had a narrow escape from it. This strength has nothing to do with that person's talent, strength, or will, it is completely different. It is the strength to live by adjusting oneself to the necessity of reality, apart from one's convenience and preference. In this way, in reality, one's own hopes and preferences will be broken, and the feeling of humiliation will be broken. In other words, you can not live in the reality of God unless you have tasted the end of your dream. It is a painful path that anyone as an apostle must follow.