Lord and the Resurrection and the Church

The place where Christ of the Resurrection is extant in the work of the Holy Spirit is a church centered on the apostles. According to the Bible, we can not think of spiritual movements that only work for individuals. According to John's Gospel, the Lord appeared to his disciples after the resurrection, and forgave Peter's sins. This is not simply forgiveness of personal sin.

The Lord first asks Peter if he loves me more than other disciples. Peter responds that he loves. Then the Lord said, "Feed my lamb" (John 21; 15). This is forgiveness of sin. Feeding Christ's lambs is God's trust to leave everything about the church to Peter. To forgive Peter's sin does not mean to petro individual. To separate Peter from his own self, toward the salvation of the church and man.

Thus, it is a special authority given by Peter, as a representative of Christ, who is away from himself and just dedicates himself to his close ones. Other than this, there is no authority on the church or anywhere else in the world that the person himself can say great.

This is also a great commandment for the apostles themselves that there is no such thing as their work or their accomplishments. I do not feed my lamb. The Lord Jesus said, "My lamb," feed the lamb. Feeding does not mean controlling or using. It refers to the work of a god who nurtures and raises everything in heaven and earth. The Holy Spirit is touched so that we can receive the job of the apostle who lives for the sake of humanity, and just give the place where it is received. "Receive the Holy Spirit, the sins you forgive are forgiven by any sins" (John 20; 22).