The second part of the Luke Gospel;Travel directions

The second part of the Luke Gospel;
The problem here, however, is that the second of luke's gospel (9; 51-19;27) is in the form of a travelogue that is brought together. I've been writing about what happened at each time and place. At least those who read this get the impression that it's a record of travel. And, there is no problem separately if it is only this. It is a valuable document to know the public life of the Lord because the travel of the mission of the Lord Jesus is written. However, on the other hand, there is a place where it is not possible to think that it is an actual travel record by all means. I want to look at respect that it is not possible to think this travelogue a little from now on. This is the one written thinking about something more other than the travel omen.

Travel directions
First of all, the strange thing is that this travel memorandum, so the way the Lord has gone is unclear. This is the last journey of the Lord to Jerusalem (Luke 9; 51). However, the route for this trip is a bit wrong. The university's Bible teacher seemed to have had a hard time keeping track of this path on the map. First depart from Galilee, Jerusalem,
In other words, at least 31 mi must pass through Samaria in order to go to the kingdom of Judea. Because there is Samaria between Galilee and Judea, you can not go from Galilee to Judea without going through Samaria. However, the Lord who left Galilee at the end of Chapter 9 is already in Bethany, which is very close to Judea's country from the beginning (10-38-42)

But even in Chapter 13, the Lord is still traveling to Jerusalem. When it reaches Chapter 17, the route passes through Samaria and then through Galilee (17-11). From the actual map, this is very wrong. There are only 2mi from Betania to Jerusalem.
From Betany, just around the corner, It is said that the Load went out to Galilee through Samaria to go to Jerusalem. Strange directions.