Only part of reality, Only one side.

I have been thinking about these things at the birth of the Lord. The same thing can be seen, for example, at the point of suffering. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all share the mysterious solar eclipse. It is said that the whole land became dark when the seeds died. "When it was around 12 o'clock in the daytime, the whole area became dark and reached three o'clock" (Mark 15-33, Matthew 27-45, Luke 23-44). As it was said that the whole land had been dark for three hours in the middle of noon, it was a serious event at that time. However, this eclipse never appears in any record other than the Gospel. It is strange that there is nothing left in the other records. Then one more thing, "The curtain of the temple was completely avoided from the top to the bottom," (Matthew 27-51). There is also no record of Judaism, on the part of the temple officials. Of course it is a big incident that you have to write down. Naturally it does not remain.

Therefore, when thinking about such a sentence, before thinking whether it actually happens, it is necessary to think of another, more important thing. In other words, I wonder what are these intentions of the author who wrote this, and what to say? It doesn't matter if it actually happens as it is written. There is no big difference between the fact that the whole temple is going to be dark, and the fact that the temple curtains are avoided in two, even if it is right or even Fake. So it doesn't mean it's okay.

What I want to think about is the fact behind it. Even if nothing really happened, I wanted to express something about the death of the Lord Christ and express it accordingly. So, even
when the sun really becomes dark from providing does not mean so pierced the heart of the matter. From the above, I think it makes clear, but the Gospel teaches the interpretation of Jesus Christ much more strongly, along with the records of that time. First of all, the fact that it is a record already indicates the author's idea and intention as to what kind of record to pick out. The records show only part of reality, only one side. Next, when it is intended to accurately represent such a thing as the whole meaning as the true meaning, it is impossible to express another fact behind it unless it is intentionally distorted this time where it actually was. There is a case. I have thought about this earlier. Revelation is a talk from God to humans. The important truth of salvation that is indispensable for people to live is shown. Because revelation is a reflection of God, there is no mistake. Then I have to think about this a little further. What did the Father God show to the world in Christ the Son?