It is not

It is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. However, the Bible's problem lies in how many different interpretations this way are, as they are, describing the true appearance of Jesus Christ as it is. And the New Testament answers it clearly.
In other words, God, the Savior, who believed in the early church, centered around the 12 disciples, this is the true appearance of Jesus of Nazareth.

Then you need to rethink about the history of the Bible here.
Everything was not moving in its entirety, of the texts written in the Gospels and the Apostles' Creed. In truth, there is the whole of historical fact in the faith of Jesus Christ of the early church which the author intends to show through their description. And the appearance of Jesus, which is believed in that faith, is a true truth as a historical fact by God's revelation. To reverse this, it is like to reverse the Gospels by departing from the point of thinking as to whether or not it was indeed exactly what you are writing in each place. If we do not make sure that each individual thing was exactly it will not be able to accept the faith of the Early Church which believed in Jesus' divinity and being a Savior.

It is not,
The Bible is a book of faith. You can not verify your faith that way.
Besides, how exactly will it be available to ascertain from now the various events that appear in the Gospels and the apostles' Creed. There are only things that can not be ascertained as to whether an angel appeared or walked on water or lots of something,also. As this comes to Christ revival, the story gets more and more complex.

Regarding resurrection, I would like to think in detail in that place. In the end, it can not be done very much, for example, to check whether this really happened at the time, as it is written. The Gospel is a book that you can not open even if you try to read like that. More over, because of seemingly like not to be written, it is a terrible misunderstanding of the Bible to say that it is less reliable.