Bible is neither for a scholar or for a specialist simply read nor for you simply, also.

 If you leave the troubled place of work and sink into the deep truth deep in your mind, you will see only half of the reality that God can see. It is good if you read carefully with a quiet heart and taste it with your heart, paying special attention to the sentences and words of the Bible. This is also true. But this alone is also only half of the whole. It's one sided issue. Of course, it is better to read quietly than to read miscellaneously. But please read as much as possible. But the Bible is not for a book that you just read. Also, it's not for a scholar or for a specialist.

By reading the Bible, people meet God and hear the Word of God (The Second Vatican Council, Revelation Charter) (No 21), no one can see God or hear God's Word in His favor This grace of God is related to the grace of God's divine feeling in the Bible: God is a spirit, loves humanity very much, so it is also the time when God will give to people as his own grace God may be pure spirit, so it seems that you can work directly to the deep inside of human spirit. That's right.

But if you take it wrong, the life of the spirit and prayer, if you get out of the messy life of matter and enter the depths of your consciousness, you must be experienced the light there.
It would be a kind of self-satisfaction. Of course, such efforts are also essential to ordinary religious life. But the gospel teaches something more different. It is not taught at all that leaving the world of transformation and giving up the depths of self-consciousness.