5. Conclusion on Virgin Birth by Our Lady Maria

5. Conclusion on Virgin Birth by Our Lady Maria

a. The doctrine of Our Lady's virgin birth is the divinity of Christ, the Son of God.For the person who does not accept divine nature of Christ virgin pregnancy, it's only in a mere legend or a fairy tale.What he thinks to be is quite natural.

b. Son of God · Christ became a human being for the salvation of mankind. This is called Incarnation who takes care of him. This means that the human nature of Christ has been dedicated to the second persona of God and has become completely belonging to God. It is the relationship between the nature as the human of Jesus Christ and the second persona of God. The nature as a human being of Christ, that is, that of the virgin birth of how its soul and body has been shaped in the womb of the Virgin Maria is another dimension.

c. So, even if there is a father's work by humans, for Christ to be born, it is not related to "Incarnation". On the other hand, the relation between human beings who have already been made and persona of the Son of God. The other is how human nature itself will come before the relationship with persona. When it is not a virgin birth it is impossible for God 's trace to exist, I forget the difference in this dimension and confuse both.

d. As an old interpretation of original sin, original sin is thought to be transmitted from the side of a father becoming a father to a child. Even in the birth of Christ who was thought of, if there is a father as a human being, original sin is transmitted to Christ from there. However, this explanation is wrongly wrong. Original sin is a lacking state of God's special grace, so it cannot be considered so much that this is transmitted physically.

e. The doctrine of the virgin birth cannot be tied to the denial of the value of human sexual life. Because the relationship between men and women's life is lowly, it is easy to think that Christ son of God was born without such a thing. But this is not a valid teaching of the Catholic Church. According to the teachings of the church the entire human being was made by the love of God every corner of his life. A sexual life is also part of the gift of creation, incorporated into the human life from God. Such as sexual activity, it cannot be said that it is not suitable for Our Lady and the Christ, the Son of God born out of it. The virgin birth is a place where the church firmly believes, it is a fact that is undoubted. But it is not because of sexuality being low.