The grace of the Bible's divine feeling

The grace of the Bible's divine feeling

The church has already walked the way of the cross from the beginning, having problems and not knowing what to do. However, as the church spread little by little and various people came to live in the church, unresolved problems and issues were increasing inside and outside the church. So, even in the life of faith, you can not do it just by believing. I can not do it. About the godliness and humanity of Christ, about the resurrection, about the meat of the pig, about the grace of salvation, about the Jews and the Gentiles, about the relationship with surrounding religions and philosophies, etc.Truly complex problems and troubles have been exhausted.

Moreover, from the outside, great persecution from the Roman Empire continued. The young church, who was just born, has a problem with many troubles, both inside and outside, and has not given up its missionary efforts with little prospect for the vicious, hard-tracking world around. And just from this painful effort Paul's letter and gospel were produced. Therefore, we can not separate and think of the work of the Holy Spirit, the divine feeling, and the effort to live the faith in that time. It is quite difficult to protect the faith while working in this world by itself. Moreover, on top of that, we can make serious efforts to describe and convey the gospel to the world around Christ, and for the first time we can see the grace of the Bible's divine feeling.

If there is something like a contact between God's grace and the person who receives it, this contact is a place of life and work in which each person lives. At that time, you could work persistently with the problems that come up, and hopefully resolve this. However, there are many difficult things in life that cannot be solved easily. There is a point of contact with the grace of God where you try patiently and endure without throwing it out. People are weak. That's why it's annoying, sometimes you might run away from something you don't like, or you may throw it away. But God's grace still does not separate people. However, the grace in this case is often talked about returning to the place where it has just escaped. For example, there is the story of Emmaus (Luke 24 13-35 ). There are also examples of two brothers who were told by their father to work in the field (Matthew 21 28-31). Even if you should refuse at first, it's better to rethink later and do what your father told you.