Interpretation for the disciples' life

Regarding the New Testament, its historical facts have been intensely discussed, especially on what is written in the Gospel. What is always a problem is that it seems that Jesus did not necessarily match what he actually said, what he did, etc. to the points written in the Gospel. In other words, in the Bible it pretending like to have actually happened, apparently there is a part that is not a faithful record. Even if the Gospels themselves are so criticized it has unavoidable aspect. This is not a bad fault or oversight. People who wrote the Bible, especially the Gospels and the Apostolic Creed, did not want to write a faithful record of Christ and his disciples. Instead, I came from writing the fact of faith. The appearance of Jesus Christ appearing in the Gospel is the figure of God's child who stands at the center of the disciples' faith. It is not necessarily trying to convey raw data as it is like newspaper news. Rather than that, it is an interpretation to the raw fact that the disciples believed that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ of the Son of God.