Understanding of the Bible has advanced to a new direction

There is still more weird thing. When comparing the four Gospels, there are discrepancies little by little in the meantime. When the Gospel becomes accepted as a book of God at all 4, together. This discrepancy appears to be an obstacle. Already since the middle of the second century, attempts have been made to manage this discrepancy. Indeed, for those studying the Gospels, this discrepancy can be an eyesore and can not be helped. In other words, simply thinking, if there really is a discrepancy one is correct and the other is wrong. There is no mistake in the Bible by the work of God feeling. So, if you think that it was as historically written as well, you can not admit such a discrepancy. Both are Gospels, and there must be no mistakes. In order to correct this discrepancy up to now, it has been thought as follows.

They may look like discrepancies on the surface.
However, it is an explanation that it is not truly a discrepancy. Although it is said that it is the same whether it is actually the same even if the expression is inconsistent, or it seems like the same thing, it is actually another thing. However, such explanation has limitations. Whatever it is, points that can not be fully explained, somehow refreshing will remain. It is insignificant to consider from now on, for example, there is an angel that appeared at the time of the resurrection. The number of angels does not match anyhow among the four Gospels. Besides that, for example, there is something about the birth of Christ. Matthew
According to that time an angel advised Joseph, and three men, the Virgin Maria and the young child Jesus who was just born, are beginning to flee from Egypt immediately (Matthew 1-15).

However, according to Luca, Christ is circumcised at the temple of Jerusalem on the eighth day after birth (Luke2-21). According to Matthew, the Holy Family had escaped to far Egypt until King Herod died. At the time the transportation was not developed, it cannot be thought that he came back to Jerusalem for a while to be involved in the circumcision. Therefore it is natural that the explanation that both things are historical are not clear.In fact, understanding of the Bible has advanced to a new direction from such a place.