God released this Jesus

God released this Jesus

Of course, this stupid stunt directly refers to the cross of Christ. But even then, if that figure had appeared as a glorious child of God before the cross, then such a sentence of Paul must not have been born. The Savior of victory for Paul, the Lord as a powerful Son of God, appeared in the experience of resurrection. The same thing can be seen in the Acts of the Apostles. There are about five solemn sermons in the Acts of the Apostles.

This is what Peter and Paul did. However, the content is the same in all ways of speaking. The story is easy to assemble, and Jesus Christ's public life, suffering and death, and resurrection are well contained in a few short sentences.

"This Jesus was delivered according to God's appointed plan and foresight, but you crucified him in the hands of the wrongdoers. God released this Jesus from the suffering of death ", and he have raised it."

(the Acts of the Apostles 2-22-24, 3-13-15, 5-30-31, 10-36-42, 13-23-25)

On top of this framework is usually added evidence from the Old Testament and a call for conversion. All five sermons different from the speaker have the same form. There are two things here.