
Of course, here it is impossible to say that until the birth of Christ, it is just a myth of the birth of a hero. It is certain that there are various complicated problems there. I wonder if an angel really appeared. Were you also the conversation between an angel and the Virgin Mary? Also how about the doctor and the shepherd from the east? About the star. Everyone feels that it is hard to understand. But by themselves, can you say that everything is a fictional story, nothing to do with it, that is, it is only a lie. That’s not the case, the ‘incarnation of flesh’ behind them is a fact. It is an undoubtable reality.
Ⅲ. I would like to mention another misunderstanding here. From angelic words, it is easy to think of a relationship that is similar to a male-female relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Maria, from which children are born. This is a misunderstanding of ‘the incarnation of flesh’.
Also, Christ has a father as a human being.
There is also a feeling that Christ is born out of ordinary marriage is not worthy of a child of God. I am feeling funny and frustrating, which makes my married life somewhat dirty. Or maybe you imagine the divinity as’ Godlessness’ getting into the human nature of Christ in Our Lady ‘s body,’ the Incarnation of flesh ‘. Furthermore, some Fathers in Heavenly Father and Man’s Father will have two fathers, so some people think that as long as Christ is the Son of God the Father, he can not be a father as a human being. This is already only a reason to play with numbers. The relationship between the father and the child at the time when the person’s relationship between the father and the child in the life of the Trinitas (Trinity) god and the natural nature as the person of Christ are made in the mother is It is totally different. Do not confuse the two different relationships in this dimension. As Christ is a human being, we must distinguish between the personality of nature as a person and persona there. There is no persona as a human in Christ. Besides, even though Persona is a person’s personality, it is not a biologically born in the mother’s womb. In addition, in the case of Christ, things in another dimension, in particular nature and supernatural, are combined. I want to think carefully and see the true appearance of Christ.