Do evil, leave me alone

It is not too much to say that you should not give pearls to pigs, nor should you give holy things to dogs. Dogs and pigs are not the only animals. Surely, it must be pointing to a person who is not good enough to receive good things, not very good. If so, then it comes to the conclusion that some people are called to be as dogs or pigs. Isn't this quite different from saying "love the enemy"? Also, "The narrow gate is wide, the road to destruction is wide and large, and there are many people passing through that wide road."

・Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:(Matthew 7-13)
・Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.(Matthew 7-14)
But what does God think of such people? Did not you go to make the wider road narrower and harder to pass?Even though you are a god who loves your enemies, I had wanted you to consider about that much more. And you say, you are willing to cut off damn trees that don't have a good fruit. You shall throw trees into blazing fire saying that horrible things. But is it really easy to throw a living tree into a blazing fire? Whichever tree you choose, it didn't mean to with a bad willing. Such a fruit has been produced without help, under such circumstances.