Impossible from the side of the person, possible from the side of the god

This is a strange subject. With this, it seems that the explanation of "The Sermon of the Mount" has given up. However, I am trying to find the true meaning of one more point in the truth. I would like to explain the meaning of "The Sermon of the Mount" by clarifying the meaning.

(1) It has been considered variously about the unrealistic character that "The Sermon of the Mount" does not fit in the actual life. For example, it was explained that it was close to Jesus Christ and that it follows only the following disciples, enthusiastic believers, and specially selected people, and has nothing to do with the general public. Like the gospel recommendation, it is the idea that only those who are called in religious life will protect. But "The Sermon of the Mount"
Does not have such restrictions. From the sentences in Matthew 5 beginning,
This is a recommendation that everyone has called for. I can not find a limited reason to only a certain person.

(2)Next, there was a squeeze(an explanation) from the point of the end of the world approaching.There was no doubt that the First Church would believe that the end of the world would come soon. So, given the end of the world and the second coming of Christ noon coming today or tomorrow, "The Sermon on the Mount" is a special teaching that applies only for a short while. Well, so soon, if the end of the world is approaching before the eyes, even if it is said to be underwear and put on a jacket, it may be good. There is no need to worry about what to eat and what to wear for life. But this explanation is also a bit wrong.

Both the Gospels by Matthew and Luke were written roughly in the eighties. The churches of this time are quite different from the churches of the end of the 50's where St. Peter and Paul lived. In fact, the Gospel of Matthew does not expect the end of the world to be so close. On the contrary, the word for the church of the Lord Jesus at the end of Matthew completely exceeds the feeling of the end of the impending world. Instead, a great mission has been launched, which must be fulfilled through the great mission of the church to the whole world, the long history time to the end of the world.