Ojoh!'s long-range story

Continued from “(5) the Parent’s Love” of yesterday

Let's consider the circumstances around here from another point of view. Is the reason why children respond to their parents' love with heartfelt love because they become honorable as children? If he doesn't do that, it's because he is imperfect as a child and not human like.

It is not. Of course, don't try not to answer parent's love from the heart. However, let's take this as an opposite, to be perfect as a person, and to answer the love of a parent only for that reason, because it is a perfect human being. This is not very much the love of parents and children. Only the form of love remains there, and the most important thing is missing. It is only love of the parents, but in fact, it is only for the purpose of not hurting being a worthy human being. It is like a requirement. So just because he want to be worthy, he end up with that condition.

But love is not something that is a condition or a means. Of course, the meaning of the word love can be considered in many ways. It can not be said easily if it is such a thing. But if that is true love, it is, by itself, the last purpose for people to live. It can not be the condition or purpose for acquiring something other than love. At that time, love is the only form, not true love. So, "The Sermon on the Mount" can not be considered as a human being or a rule or standard of life for becoming a person worthy of the god if he obeys this. Let's explain this a little more.

This reveals the deep side of human beings that can be said to be the root of existence. Human beings can not think that there is something that they make a great effort at the very bottom of their head. From the beginning, something like an ideal image or a prototype has been decided, and while making efforts every day, it approaches and follows the ideal every day. And it is a good human being just approaching that ideal, and also receives rewards from God. There is also a way of thinking that God sends grace and helps for that purpose. But is this way of thinking really right? It is not clear that this is correct. Why can't you say so? This may not be understood by those who work hard to become good people. It is quite different from the way of life that aims to establish himself and to raise his name.