Ojoh!'s long-range story

...... But by those who love us, we have won so much(13-39 in Rome 8)

Seen from such circumstances, "The Sermon on the Mount"
The Lord Jesus's suffering and death on the cross are premised on the resurrection of the third day. There is no other way to know, for example, when and how this story on the mountain was spoken. Even if this was directly spoken by the Lord Jesus, it is hard to imagine specifically how people at that time heard it. In a trial for the final execution, no claim has been made that Jesus excuses the teachings of the Old Testament and has taught his theory against it. In other words, as far as the trial is concerned, it seems that no Jews have heard of the words of Christ that I used to say in the past, but I told him that it was the opposite. Then, when did "The Sermon on the Mount" come to confront the teachings of the Old Testament as it appears in the Gospels now? It makes me think a little.

Anyway, from now on, when you read "The Sermon on the Mount", the love of God, which appeared definitively to the death on the Cross of the Lord Jesus, and felt it as it is, The appearance of St. Paul who lived in the love of God earnestly floats greatly. And "The Sermon on the Mount" is assumed to be the cross of the Son of God Still, and it is thought that it was written on that.

"Then, what do you say about these things? God is on our side. Who will let us be the enemy? Why even though he does not hesitate even his son, and passed to death for all of us, why not not only the son, but all things are given? ...... Christ Jesus is dead, and no, he will come back and sit on the right side of God and do it for us. Who separates us from the love of Christ? The tribulation, the suffering, the persecution, the hunger, the nakedness, the peril or the sword?
...... But by those who love us, we have won so much in all these things. I am convinced. Death, life, angels, rulers, the present, the future, the power, the high and the deep, and any other creation cannot separate us from the love of God in our Lord Christ Jesus "(13-39 in Rome 8)