Ojoh!'s long-range story

A new direction opens up ,which is centered on 12 disciples

It is said that what you write is the historical fact as written from the beginning to the end. Of course, there is certainly a desire here to keep the basic beliefs of the Church that there is no mistake in the important Bible. However, even though this is an absolutely correct premise, it is a little too early to conclude that everything written in the Bible is historically literal. you have to think again. At that time, research on literary patterns in the Bible was not as generally accepted as it is now. Some people in the position of criticizing the Bible at first began to make very unreasonable theories that would be very extreme, and that they would completely cancel the Christian faith itself.

So there were actually cases where it could not be helped if it could not be taken seriously. Among these kind of works, which were "presence of a world", is Ernest Renan's "The Life of Christ" (1863). While Renan is a Catholic, he is told by Albert Schweitzer that "This is awful, I have never seen such a bad book."Although it was written from the standpoint of criticism of the Bible, it must have been a serious one because it received so much criticism from the Schweitzer who stands in the same position. The reading of these books has led to many doubts about Christianity.

But even so, it is true that it played an educational role in a sense. Research from the standpoint of Bible criticism will then be unilaterally pushed forward by New Scripture Bible Studies. The focus of the problem is in the form of Jesus Christ, as it appears in the Gospel. Is it actually the figure of Jesus Christ at that time? Or in the faith of the resurrection, it has come to be believed in the faith of the disciples, but it is in the point of being a completely different figure of Christ, different from the real Nazareth of Jesus. And as the research proceeds, the direction of the gospel study changes dramatically. It is gradually subsided that the actual Jesus, such as Lunan, did something like a magic trick and made it look like a miracle, and explained the resurrection from the illusion of people.Instead, a new direction opens up, this time the Christ as the Son of God, who lives in the faith of the Early Church, which is centered on 12 disciples, is being transmitted to the gospel.