Ojoh!'s long-range story

That is why the pre-Christ resurrection is not yet clear.

According to the Gospels, many sick people are healed, the Lord and Peter walk on the water, the storms subside, and the bread alone satisfies 5,000 with only men, that is, 10,000 for women and children. The number of people nearer was increased to eat and get tired, and three people died as they were resuscitated. And it's been three years since then, actually between about a year and a half. So the miracle happened almost every week, at a rate of once or twice a week.

Originally, the disciples were impressed by the succession of this mysterious miracle, and could have believed it as the Lord God. Why did the disciples go away at the time of the Passion, which is one of the great things of the Lord? Where this is reading the Bible and a little bit hard to understanding point. After the resurrection, the disciples who got involved in the emergence of the Lord dare to exercise their faith and try to devote it's life without running away. But somehow, it seems that a series of miracle over three years could not encourage disciples so much.

In this way, when I try to think specifically about the living Lord Jesus and his disciples, there are places where I can not get rid of them. This is because the gospels are not trying to convey the condition facts of Christ and his disciples. On the other hand, the feeling that the New Testament tries to convey the faith of the disciples who have been tightened by the experience of the resurrection of the Lord is so clear. That is why the pre-Christ resurrection is not yet clear. Of course, in the gospel, many things are written as the life of Jesus Christ.

But all of them are reinterpreted again based on what the disciples experienced about the
resurrection of the Lord.