Ojoh!'s long-range story

Moreover, there are three miracles which show that Jesus is the Lord who has the absolute power to overcome death. This miracle is shaped differently from other miracles. When the disease is healed, people hope for the power of Jesus from the beginning, and pray that the disease is cured. But for now, no one expects the God Jesus to make miracles that far. Nobody even thinks that Jesus has such power. It might be a purpose of the evangelical historian who did such writing to teach that Jesus had an such ability to make miracles and pray that the disease to be cured that nobody imagined at all like this.

There is a little mistake in the miracle of Lazarus that John tells about this. This miracle was a time when the public life had already ended. Christ has already revived two children before then. And, two sisters of “ Malta and Maria” should have heard the story of these two children naturally. But nonetheless, these two sisters do not even dream of that Jesus would have the power to revive Lazarus again when his brother Lazarus died.
Martha confess that if Jesus came a little earlier, Lazarus would not have died, but that he felt painful.

Before Lazarus died, the Lord Jesus must have managed to take his life by the power of miracles. However, it is a feelings that it’s impossible even though the Lord Jesus because it has died.
In response, the Lord says,"Your brother will be resurrected." However, Martha does not understand this meaning. “He knows..he would be revived at the time of resurrection," Marta replied only. (John 11:20-7) From the way Malta talks, it seems like she does not know that Jesus had resurrected two children before, or she wasn't able to say so much I wonder?

In any case, revitalizing the dead is a special thing among many miracles. He clearly teaches that the Savior Messiah is the one who has the absolute power to overcome all the world and even the power of death, and that Jesus is the Messiah.