To approach the reality of the salvation of Jesus Christ

It can be roughly summarized in this way, but its meaning and interpretation must be considered in detail. I would like to line up some things that will help you a little. The problem in Christology is not to extract something deeply from each parable, to meditate it, and how much it can be used in life. It is also very important, but it is far more important to find out the meaning of those original things and to approach the reality of the salvation of Jesus Christ living in it from there.

a.The first thing to read and think about is to read the teachings and lessons contained in it and use it in daily life as much as possible. Such interpretations have generally been made until now.
b. However, Juelicher's research has changed the direction of interpretation. Of course, that doesn't mean that his understanding of the parable will change at all. Rather, the relationship between parables and Christ's salvation has come to be reconsidered anew.
Now, let's assume that parables are a general lesson, and then the meaning of the illustration that can be considered is only the principle of ethics that applies to ordinary social life, or something like a lesson of life or a commandment. Therefore, it is only human perfection and depth centered on the cultural and ethical elements of society.

For example, it is only a common teaching that you have to be jealousy, work with a generous mind and work diligently, or be lazy or be cautious.
What is the relationship between this and salvation by Christ? In other words, we must clarify what relationship there is between free salvation in the Lord Jesus and becoming a good person as a matter of general ethics. First of all, there are two things.

(1)First of all, the relationship between the New Testament's teaching of salvation and the good attitude of being a good human being is not very clear. Did Christ teach me to be a good person? Jesus was always with sinners and tax collectors. Did they teach them to educate people as human beings, manners, and that only personalities can go to heaven? I must have said something that seems so. But somehow the situation seems to be different. Anyway, it must be stressed that the kingdom of God or reform. But the gospel, of course, didn't say it was not a good person.

It is Jesus Christ who said that a sick person came to save, not a healthy one. I can not ignore this feeling. This is also to directly connect the perfection of the culture and the perfection of the personality that can be saved only by the good people with the kingdom of God. This is also a matter of course as an ordinary religious teaching. However, when this is compared with the gospel of Christ, a very subtle and fundamental difference comes out.