No kingdom where it shines brightly in man's eyes

A call to make such a decision for the present moment, it is a call to the present poverty today. According to Paul, the kingdom of God is not the kind of thing that the world has progressed and developed, and it will be completed. Of course, in the kingdom of God, there are also places where human life in this world bears fruit. However, it is a gift of God to the end, and it is the one given only by God. The Gospel teaches the same thing from another direction, which is a little different from Paul's letter. The chosen Jewish people and the twelve disciples all abandoned the Savior on the cross. Then Christ held out to the hand of the one which killed himself entirely alone. This is the teaching of the Gospel.In other word, the salvation of the kingdom of God is not piled up by the technique of the effort from man.

In this sense, the salvation of the human race should not be requested in the progress development of this world or the completion of the character and the education. The person is still able to give up itself to the god who approaches in a unpleasant poverty that it is not acceptable at any cost in the place where the human race now alive. There is no kingdom of God in the place where it shines brightly in man's eyes. It is warned that only the one given of man’s hand is the one that it is poor and is not boring at that time even if it is a story that the child of the talent and the person divides the sheep and the goat to the right and the left. (Matthew 25)

It is not possible to accept the reality that the invited person is invited even if it is an example of king's wedding feast. That's why it describes the sadness of life losing the most important things (Matthew 22).