God who make the most opeople

God who make the most of people

(3) So what about this world? If man went to heaven, would this world of nature be left behind and no more? Not that. Rather, in the country of God, this world can be what the future should be.
This world is not a tentative thing. It is completed in the country of God with the person. It is not this world for which man needs nature to live on this earth. If a man is saved safely and go to heaven, it is not just a temporary thing that there is no use any more. In this respect, the human nature of Christ cannot agree with the idea of Apolinaris and Oitiquez who explained that it was not possible to actually become a real person only by the temporary appearance when God appeared in this world.

(4) God is the absolute spirit. The whole of this world created by this spirit is also a real reality. It is not the one like the hesitation or the illusion whether it is a world of the tentative beginning which does not go away. Therefore, the more you approach the matter and body, the closer you are to God, the more you can live in this world, the more clearly you can live in real life。. On the other hand, the farther away you are from God, the more pitiful you become with a clear outline of your own. This is, after all, that God is a spirit. To be a spirit is to say the reality of life beyond the place of Idea or the spirit etc. as much as possible. It is not a truth like the theory of philosophy or the formula of mathematics. Rather, it is the reality of life or life. Therefore, it is not possible to see and believe in God as it understands and proves in the world of philosophy and the concept and calculation of mathematics. It is not a problem of such a theory and an idea. It relates to the whole of the life in which man lives most, and it is a person who really tried to give life to man, and became a person by oneself. If someone is lost in this world, this God will go looking for the lost one, even if there are all others (Mathhew18; 12-14). On the contrary, Jesus appeared not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life to many people as a curse (Mathhew20; 28). All you have to do is know who you know.
It is not a light of truth that only I shine by pushing it that it is the person's responsibility that I do not understand. God is the spirit of life, completely different from that.

Freedom as God's love

Freedom as God's love

A person's freedom is where a person decides everything he has given to God. Then I exhaust myself to that end. It is an indomitable way of life. However, in reality, it is not so easy for people to give themselves up to the end and give them all. Humans have wounds from the original sin. It is a crack in the personality itself. We have already considered this wound in the original sin. But now I would like to look at this from another side.

Human beings have various abilities. Various things are done in a way that encourages it. Around the livelihood of eating and drinking, learning and artistic things are spread around it. There are many other things in life as well. Joy and sadness, hope, success, failure, giving up, worrying, fearing, treating the heart. There is no end to counting. And so most of life is fragmented in such things. But is life so uncoordinated? I think there's something at the root of this that puts all these things together. Here comes the issue of love for God.

When people try to develop all their abilities and do all they can, they naturally fall apart. To do that, having 24 hours a day is too short. No matter how gifted we are, humans do not succeed only by talent. On top of that, there must be continuous efforts. Then, even if it works, one can only do one thing in a lifetime. What is more, it is extremely unwise to want to fully develop all the abilities given to oneself. Surely nothing can be made. Everyone ends halfway. There is a limit to human power. At least one thing has to be done. Then all other valuable abilities are wasted. Is that okay? This is a natural problem that will occur next. Here, one fundamental activity of life can be considered at the root of personality. It is a way of life in which all the abilities of the person are completely satisfied if they are fulfilled. This is God's love. Only God's love can save people. It is salvation from the hell in which a person is trapped only in his "drinking and eating".

Only in God's love can a person be generous and generous "throw away life for a friend" without hesitation. On the contrary, no one can be convinced of his life without the love of God. Fearing that I might lose, I must do it while exercising, but still. When this happens, life is nothing more than a day of disappointment, when something you don't want to give out. But God's love is not like that. If you live profitably, you have to sharply calculate what you give and what you get. It's a loss to give more than what comes back. If you have to live like this, life is boring. The point is not to lose money and to avoid wasting effort. But the Bible teaches the love of God and neighbors is not such a calculation. It's not a good thing to look at it in general, to give as much as you can without compromising the things that come back. Here is one thing I want to clarify. No matter how good a person is, it doesn't make sense. No matter how you refine your consummate, people are not saved by it.

Freedom to decide yourself

People throw away a lot of things. But finally, there is something that just can't be thrown away at the end. That is me as a person. Because of the fact that the person is dead, a person must take responsibility for the suicide even if he/she kills himself and discards his life. You are the one who takes responsibility and still remains after the suicide. This serious is certain,even if you try to flying it off, there's no help for it. This personality is something that is itself, something that you own, which cannot be substituted by anything else. No one can confuse himself as something. There are various techniques that make people forget about themselves. However, the personality cannot be thrown away. Suddenly, I always return to myself. Consider choosing again here. Pick one out of several possibilities. This may be a good opportunity for those who choose to reaffirm their sense of superiority.

Take this and decide to throw it away. But if you think about it, people are not as trapped in things as this time. While looking at things in detail, compare them in various ways, quickly calculate the profit and loss, and think about which one to take and which to throw away. Who, what, who, how much. Train or Taxi, Kimono or clothes, Daimaru Department Store?
Mitsukoshi department store, which work, which book. In extreme terms, this is no different from buying a horse race betting ticket, which horse to choose. Then, brain-calculating and determining this profit and loss does not have much relation to the personality as a result. If anything, it's a matter of blood circulation or a problem of talent. This must be important for life. But it's still still a "drinking and eating" dimension. It cannot be said that the personality itself is an irreplaceable way of life.


If you have the freedom to choose, you can get it on behalf of another person. Sometimes it's much better to have someone else choose. Then, freedom is not related to personality. If you choose, you can get it for someone else. It's hard to say just that person. Whether it's a trainer or taxi, Kimono or clothes, it doesn't make any difference whether you decide it or not. Therefore, it cannot be said that the personality is respected or ignored.
But just then, what is the original purpose of living as a personality? This inherent freedom is fundamentally in one's heart for the way god gives us. Being the one that God has given to us now, either accepting it affirmatively or rejecting it. This has little direct relation to choosing. Freedom is not due to the large number of possibilities when choosing. In the end, it is about how much you receive the God-given self as a whole, how much you can handle it, and how far you survive. Of course, this manifests itself in what and how to choose, in particular cases. However, the choice itself is not important. There are places where freedom cannot be chosen.

If you can't choose, how much you can accept what you can't choose is the core of freedom. This may sound like giving up. It is not. Giving up is an abandonment of freedom. Christ's suffering and the cross are more than just giving up. In Christ's case, I don't see any feeling of throwing my life away from me. I would like to dwell on this true freedom from now on. So far, being able to choose and always be able to decide different things has not seemed to have much to do with true freedom. The true freedom, on the contrary, lies in the decisive decision of the whole self, given by God. Deterministic means not turning back and not looking back from what you once decided. This is too important.

Freedom to decide yourself

Ojoh! (id:cyogiro-edoya01)

  1. Freedom to decide yourself


Freedom usually seems to be one of two or more possibilities. In this case, people first feel that they are one step away from what they are trying to choose and have the neutral freedom of being free of any of them. However, this feeling is subtly associated with the sense of superiority that you decide which one to choose. Moreover, which one to decide depends on the immediate interests of the person who chooses. There is a difference between likes and dislikes. Generally these things are cluttered together and generally called freedom. Therefore, it is common sense that there is no freedom where there is no choice. However, the idea of such freedom based on the vague sense of liberation is not really certain. Various problems remain there. If something like that feeling of superiority were to be free as it is, there would be too many unhappy people in this world who were not blessed with such freedom. 


The vast majority of humans who would have lived for two million years have lived a crippled, pathetic life with little choice.  

But can you really say so, To tell the truth, I don't think the human race of the past was so much crippled as it used to be. I also don't think that people are so free today. Moreover, the sense of freedom and superiority of freedom is a nerve. It may be a psychological state that can be produced by drugs. But such things cannot be substituted for the freedom of the personality to live. Real happiness cannot be confused with the excitement of one of the nerves of a sense of happiness. 


If human beings are the only high-quality creatures that have really evolved from the roots of nature, their liberty and happiness are considered to be one of the pleasant excitable states of the nerve, and this is considered psychologically. Appropriate pharmaceutically treatment is also possible. You can freely control the way flowers bloom and lay eggs by turning on and off the flowers and chicken, turning on and off the electricity, and by appropriately changing the light and temperature by adjusting the heater. We can operate humans to a considerable extent, and the technology must continue to advance. Give them vitamin supplements to make them work better. After that, you can give it a medicine that invites dreams so that you can enjoy a sense of well-being and liberation. 


Even today, there are many kinds of drugs such as alcohol and nicotine that manipulate the nerves in humans in daily life, and their consumption is also great. The nerves do not cause any suspicion even if the drug is manipulated and treated. However, this story cannot be completed by itself. All of this is a tentative story, if human beings have evolved in this wilderness and are merely the higher animals. Of course, human beings are highly advanced creatures that have evolved from this great nature. But that's not all. Human beings are given by God that they are more than just living creatures. This is due to divine revelation in the Bible and Church teachings. There is nothing more certain than this. Then, if we stand on this fact, humans are not just a sense of happiness and a sense of liberation. The human nature as a living body may be left with that. However, life as a personality is not something that can be managed by itself. 

The brightness that only lights up surroundings

The brightness that only lights up surroundings
Life and understanding are inextricably linked. For example, eating. Put something in your mouth, chew it, and swallow it. If the result is good, we can understand that it is food. You will be able to understand things in the most biological way of life, such that you will be fine if you eat it, or you will be fine if you drink it, smoke it, and inhale it. When we try to further study this, we will find out about proteins, starch, alcohol, nicotine, etc. It doesn't start even if you say that you don't know if you can get away from people's lives. Understand what you understand, and the basis of that is the life activity. Understanding sounds very lofty. In reality, because of the need to live, the mechanism of the narrow and very short areas around you is only a little visible. However, there is something that warmly wraps around what you can see a little. It is not directly understood by people. It's infinitely deep and quiet like a dark abyss. For people, only their feet look a little brighter, and the darkness seems to spread all the way around them. Moreover, the person actually lives in such a place. This darkness is not something that threatens or catches people up. It does not mean the person in the life of the daily life like a beautiful starry sky rather, and it supports it gently. Moreover, this darkness seems to have nothing directly related to the activity that people work and eat every day. Supports everything and gives meaning to everything. However, it does not appear in the place where the table stands out. People can't feel what they say. However, the life which works and eats like one day for one hundred years sometimes feels too monotonous and apologeally when the person thinks a little. At this time, the person
you can touch a little bit of the darkness that pushes your life from around you. People can also be frightened by the shadow of death that approaches themselves. Usually, a person who lives by seeing only close to him comes to notice that the dark, silent that surrounds him at that time continues endlessly.

Brightness enough to illuminate your surroundings

2. Brightness enough to illuminate your surroundings

In everyday life, people think a lot to live. Thus, if one's life is all about working and eating, then the understanding from the two previous points is sufficient. There is a desk and a pen here and I am there. On top of that, causality, contradiction rate, and a few mathematical formulas and theorems. With this alone, a person can live a full life while thinking. After that, it is possible to open up the way of life while looking around. But with regard to the obvious, self-evident dream, it's the end of the story when one asks what it is and why.

A book is not a pen, as is a pen not a lamp. You can tell at a glance. It's wrong to think about that. No one thinks or needs to think anymore. However, from this point of view, a big illusion is born in the thoughts of people. What is clear in this world is really only clear about the sense and comprehension of a person. So to speak, it gives a clear stimulus to the mechanism by which a person lives, and certainly feels it. Taking it seriously, the relationship between the sensory organs of human beings and the world that stimulates them is just a good comparison. It can't explain anything more than that, the two things that scramble, the people and the world around them.

This world is designed for people to interact with each other. Humans use this world as their home, and freely use everything in it. I take it for granted. This world also provides enough material to move and satisfy the functioning of the heart and body of carrot. Humans will also work in this world and develop them for their convenience. Humans and this world are meshed with each other, like gears. But this too is really only a matter of seeing the exact meshing relationships between them. Nothing is clear about this, either of which each one is as such. Of course, if you say that the mechanism of life just needs to be carried well, you don't have to think about that.

If it is just a living thing, physicochemical reactions between substances will only occur smoothly. I don't need anything more. But only humans are different. That is not enough. If you don't understand what it means to live, you will feel meaningless loneliness, lose your purpose in life, and lose your patience. Then, what on earth are human beings and this world as such? When I get to this point, I run into something I can't say anything about.
"It is not that it is not, but it is," that is, the world of existence and existence. There are people and the world.
"It can't be said that it is not, and it can only be said to be."

However, it is impossible to grasp what this existence itself is. If this is combined with the life of a person, the person can say various things immediately. They are big or small, red and yellow, delicious or funny, and so forth. However, if we take it out of our scrutiny with our daily lives, we will be vaguely unable to say anything. However, in reality, people encounter God in this world of existence.

Freedom to get out of God and go to God

Freedom to get out of God and go to God

Freedom is not just about choosing. If a person lives only in this world and can be happy
Without being related to God, the story is different. At a time when people are free to choose
what they want from as many as they can and do what they like. I can’t think of any other
Freedom. However, people are not only living in their own world. Also, just living in yourself
does not make you happy. You cannot be happy unless you live with God and love him.
A person who is loved by God and loves God in his neighbors. Such human beings are more than just playing. Various things are lined up in this world. Since the items are lined up, it is quite natural that you can choose from them as you like. Whether or not this is done, people
decide it as they want. Then, you can call it the name Freedom.

But the truth is that human freedom is determined in the relationship of love with God.
From here comes that people do their best to love God. What does this all mean? Am I
weighing the human beings and God in the world and saying that they love God more
than anything else? There are misconceptions about loving God above all. God created this world around people. There is a limit to the world in which it has been built. Limited people cannot live by themselves, apart from God. This does not mean that humans and their world are humble or incomplete. On the contrary it means that happiness of the world in that we can only live under the love of God.

But on the other hand, such a reality makes it hard to think about the relationship between God and man. God is absolutely eternity. In the limited time and space of this world, we cannot think of eternal and absolute people. There's another complex thing on it. For all things in this world cannot be seen from God. The moment you leave from God will disappear. For these two things, human liberty must be fundamentally reconsidered.

(1) Human freedom is explained by saying that any of the many possibilities can be chosen
as you like. However, it is not the one that the explanation is attached only by that. Indeed, when it is not possible to fly anywhere like the bird in the bird cage, a wide heaven and earth of freedom seems very attractive.
But can humans be infinitely happy if they have unlimited freedom of choice and do anything they want? When it comes to faith, it seems that one chooses God, just so like believing in the Christian Lord, not a Buddhist guru.

But when you think about it, people are not choosing God. Only this one can be selected
for a person. The things in this world are limited. All are similar or choose. I don’t think it depend on which one is taken and which one is thrown away, and that alone will determine the final happiness and unhappiness of the person who chooses.
Of course, If we regard human beings as just living things, there will be a difference between being excellent and being an older, depending on the selection method. It is
a choice of what to include and what not to include in your life.
there will of course a little big gap there. However, it is a living thing, and it is very different from a personality. According to the teachings of faith, people are not just living things, Personality. A person can receive God's love and love him. After all the choice of what is under this world is nothing but the way of life as a human being. It is a little vague that if you choose from many, you will be happy and your dignity will be protected, and if you will not choose, your personality will be ignored.
It doesn’t that you don’t have to choose. I think that only the selection is all that really matters. I would like to clarify whether there is no freedom unless I can choose more.

(2) let's first consider the relationship between a person's choice and God. In general, God:
It is easy to think of God as one of them by lining them up with the people and things of this world in their dimensions. It is the way of life of ordinary people that they remember God in the meantime, because there are many things that people can do. But I don't think this is very right. God is beyond the dimensions of the world. It is not good to imagine God in some limited form, even if it is only in an idea. However, when a person imagines something or thinks, it can think only in a limited form. If you don't separate them, you can't think clearly. It is not possible to imagine it if it is not the one distinguished from the outside one. But God has no limit. In some cases, it is not convenient for people to think or imagine.

Of course, this world is not God. God and this world must be clearly distinguished. However, this distinction is of a little special nature. The premise is that one can be independent of the other without the other. But the relationship between God and this world is not so easy. It is theoretically not difficult to distinguish God from the world. There are some difficult points from theology. For we cannot afford not to think of the natural nature of The Son Jesuit as a person in God. But even if this is put in, in theory, God absolutely exists even without this world. It is easy to distinguish God from this world.

On the contrary, it is very difficult to distinguish this world from God. The world cannot continue to exist if we leave God. In other words, this world cannot be independent from God. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine the "world" separated from God, even in the case of thinking. Of course, this world is not God. However, if you try to see only this world in distinction from God, nothing really remains. Without God, the world will vanish. This is strange and weird thing. The relationship between God and this world is quite different from that of this world to God. I cannot think of this in the same way and easily separate it between them. Given these special circumstances, we must reconsider the position of God in the consciousness of people from two aspects.

(1) God is not one of many things. Usually God is considered in human consciousness as one individual, along with many things on earth, and distinguished from it. God is not the one who can show that, this, and that. Still, people tend to think that they compare God with the world in their hearts, and then choose God. But this idea is not correct. If we can put some things side by side and look at each other, we can pick one of them and say this instead. However, it is not possible to choose it from a special relation between them in the case of God and this world. Even if it is said that it chooses, it is only to take out the word "God" only in the head from a lot of words outside. The word God is one of the ordinary words. But God himself cannot be one of those things in the world. There is an illusion here. Here is an illusion.

Of course, it is a persona of the Trinity, and God is an individual gentleman in this sense, too. The relationship from God to this world and, on the contrary, from this world to God are completely different. This is called the ratio of existence (analogia). It is not possible to think about this in the same way, and to separate it easily between them. When we say that there is no limit, people feel like they have already learned something about God. However, this is only to think about something like the limit in the warm, and to deny "limit" that something ends logically in the head. In other words, something goes on endlessly, and it reminds me of the continuation. And, it is thought that it was understood that it is absolutely infinite. However, such an understanding is far from the true appearance of God. After all, one cannot think of the true form of an absolute infinite God in his heart.

This kind of thing might seem very roundabout and confusing. Some say that faith is Muchmore simple and that you don't need to think hard about anything. However, it becomes complicated by all means when it tries to live man's freedom and love seriously. You can't run away. To live with God as all of us, and to love our neighbors like ourselves, we must be free. And, the freedom which thinks only vaguely thinks as if it is possible to choose anything as it likes. That's not really the case. There is not much difference in what and how it decided in this world even if it is said that it is able to choose. It might not be so different so that it is not different to the other even if it goes out of a narrow basket if it makes it to the bird of the cage, and it flies to the place where it wants to go anywhere. From here, true freedom is a walk towards God, so to speak, touches the core of freedom.

What I want here is a kind of outlook about choosing. Whether you can choose or not, the world is not much different. It's just a difference in degree. There might be a person who thinks that it is angry when such a thing is done. In theory, however, it is not different to leave early whether you can choose or not. The size of the range that can be chosen does not determine the size of freedom. But then, what does real freedom mean?