Meaning of Ascension

Meaning of ascension
As we have seen, Jesus Christ's ascension is closely tied to two things. One is the resurrection, and the other is Christ being raised to the right of Heavenly Father and taking the seat of glory. To separate from these two things and just think of ascension is at least in the Bible
It's off the line. But here I'm curious about the 40 days that Luke's author suddenly brought in when he wrote Acts. Why was the Ascension of the Lord staggered 40 days after the day of the resurrection?
I would like to think about the reason for this.

If we look at the Luke Gospel and the Book of Acts as a series, there is a long path leading to one. First, the Luke Gospel describes the life of Lord Jesus as a journey. This journey has three stages. 1) Inside Galilee. 2) The road to suffering until suffering from suffering 3) The way of suffering itself to death on the cross. This is one step, but simultaneously represents two movements. One is a movement that shows a voice from heaven when the Lord is baptized by John the Washer. "You are my dear one, my heart's worth" (Luke 3; 22). This is an ascending movement from bottom to top, receiving the glory and honor of the Son from the Father. However, the process of glory itself is, in fact, a downward movement, which suddenly drops to suffering and death on the cross. Luke's Gospel makes these two seemingly inconsistent movements a journey. The ascending movement ends with a resurrection and ascension that receives glory as the Son of God. In this sense as well, the Gospel says resurrection and ascension are on the same day, and in terms of meaning they are not so different.

But then, did Lord Jesus' earthly journey end when he took the right seat of Heavenly Father at the time of the resurrection?
Actually, it's not over yet. The author of Luke wrote Acts as a continuation of the Gospel. And so, these Acts also show another movement different from the Gospel. So the whole Acts is the work of Lord Jesus, who sits to the right of the Father. It is expressed as a powerful movement of the spirit, in which Christ's salvation spreads throughout the world by the work of the Apostles' Church. Let's take a closer look at this movement. Acts are divided into two parts. Some describe the work of the apostle Petro (from the beginning to chapter 12). The other half describes the role of the apostle Paul. The church that centers on these two apostles is based on the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus Christ. All of that is the work of the Spirit, and ultimately the work of the Lord Jesus, who sent the Holy Spirit. Working and summarizing this movement, it first starts from a gathering of 12 apostles in Jerusalem.
There are various oppositions and difficulties, conflicts within the church, misunderstandings, and persecution from the outside. Faith spreads without losing it. The word of God finally enters the center of the world, Rome, and then spreads throughout the world. This spreading movement had already been announced since the beginning of Acts. "But when the Holy Spirit falls upon you, you will be empowered and will be my witnesses to Jerusalem, the whole of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts of the Apostles1; 8). This is not about the apostles. The work of the Spirit of the Lord, which works through the apostles to the ends of the earth, is being carried out. "

Ascension of Jesus Christ

Chapter 8 Ascension of Jesus Christ
One Ascension-the teaching of the church
Jesus Christ went up to the right of Heavenly Father after the ascension. That's what the church believes in. This already appears in the very beginning of the Apostles Creed. But there is only one place in the Bible that details Christ's ascension. This is the beginning of the Book of Acts. "When he finished saying, Jesus was lifted to heaven in front of them, and he was greeted by the clouds and disappeared" (Acts 1; 3-12). First of all, I would like to think about the circumstances at that time, from where these sentences in the Book of Acts came out. That's all, what the disciples really saw that Jesus Christ went up to the Lord ascending to heaven. But, let's think a little more about whether or not I can really say that.

It seems that Christ's ascension was not initially included in the church's Apostles Creed. A very old form of Apostles Creed remains in the Bible. There is nothing about ascension there. "Christ ... was obedient, low-humoured, dead to death, and even to the death of the cross, so God raised him up and gave him a name better than all its names" (Philippi2: 8-9). "God has rejuvenated this Jesus, and we are all witnesses, so Jesus was lifted to the right of God" (Acts 2 32-33, 2 36, 5-10). According to these passages, Jesus was "raised to the right of God" shortly after the resurrection. In other words, the appearance period of 40 days and the ascension are missing. The sentence "Ascend to heaven" in the Apostles Creed is also very old. But the earliest Apostles Creed didn't have this. Apostles at the beginning
It was very short. There were five things in a simple sentence.
The father, the child, and the Holy Spirit. The fourth is the church. Finally, either the forgiveness of sin or the resurrection of the physical body. With this, there are five. Then the Church kept the correct teachings about faith, and gradually added a list of faiths that could not be yielded in the battle to find out the mistake. The present Apostles are much longer than the beginning.

The Incarnation of Mysteriyum

The Incarnation of Mysteriyum

Since the Son of God came to this world, the partition between God and this world has disappeared.Jesus Christ is the center of this world.This evolving world is a great step made from God.It is a normal journey toward Christ. Human nature Emerging from this step.So this world entered the final stage.Human nature combined with God in Christ, it will never leave.From the beginning, this whole world was created to be God's in Jesus Christ's human nature.From the beginning, we have been pursuing the grace of God. Originally there were no two separate worlds. From the beginning it was built in Christ to be one. God gave it to the world with grace. In this world, the god that gives us is passed into the free heart of a person. This step is called the history of salvation. This took a definite form, and God and man were brought together under Christ's persona, and the salvation of the world was completed. It's the incarnation of mysteriyum. So Christ's human mind doesn't have the feeling that a precious God scoops a humble man. On the contrary, devoting all of his own to God, which the Son of God he accepted it as it was. Jesus himself as a person, he has no choice but to participate in such a great grace. It does not come out. So, in the word of the Lord, jesus's own self does not come out oddly.

"'The one who believes in me does not believe in me. He believes in the one who sent me. And the one who sees me sees the one who sent me.' (John 12; 44- 45) .This is also a sentence, "It is weird that a person who believes in me does not believe in me. However, behind this, I can feel the feeling of Jesus himself who never thought of himself. In his heart, there was only his father and the salvation of the world. Jesus did not look back on him at all, but dedicated and handed it all to his father and neighbors. It was accepted by Heavenly Father as it was. This is the completion of salvation.
In this way, how was Jesus aware of the end, in which he handed himself over and left only Heavenly Father and his neighbor instead?. This is the teaching of “Kingdom of God”. "Time is full, the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1; 15). The kingdom of God was first realized within Jesus. Everything as a person was entirely dedicated to God and neighbors. It's hard to believe that Christ as such a kingdom of God separated himself from the people around him and was conscious of himself as a single person.
In fact, no such words of the Lord that are conscious of oneself are found in the Gospels. The thoughts and feelings of the Lord's people are all hung on the mission of the kingdom of God. The salvation mission of the kingdom of God was all about Jesus as a person. The kingdom of God is not somewhere separated from the Lord Jesus. In Jesus himself, it refers to the reality that the human nature of the world has finally crossed the frame of myself and completely belongs to Logos, the son of God. The kingdom of God began in Lord Jesus. One can be saved as long as he participates in the kingdom of God in this Christ.

Jesus'self-understanding as a person

(D) Jesus' self-understanding as a person
Jesus was God and at the same time a real man.At that time, the human mind is different from the consciousness of divinity as a child of God. Consider a little more about Jesus' awareness as this person.The disciples called the Lord Jesus teacher. "You call me teacher or the Lord. Yes, that's right" (John 13; 13). This method of calling him a teacher is very natural in religion.
Naturally, we can think of people of the type like school teachers, religions, and representatives.In the case of a religious person, they are blessed with the talent and inspiration of the road, and they live by acting as an agent or a medium If you succeed, you will become a guru.Even if it is not, he will belong to one of the traditional religions and spread his mission.You are a so-called teachers. But the question is, did Jesus feel that he was one of those religious people in his own personal feelings? Did he take great pride that he was God, only himself was a true teacher, and all others were fake? When you look at Christ for a moment, it doesn't seem First that all, I would like to think a little more about normal religionists.One of the important things for religionists is the depth of the doctrine of God and life taught there and the amount of devotion they devote to it. But there is a gap there.There is even a gap between the teaching o f faith and the people who teach it.A deep teaching of faith, which, apart from the one who preaches it, is presented as an absolutely unchanging truth.The one who teaches it is the one who happens to do the job by chance. You don't have to be that person. Another person was also good.
This seems to be the case with the teachings of Confucius and Laozi. I don't think there is such a deep relationship between the teaching itself and the ones who started it, Confucius and Laozi. Of course, it was not possible for anyone until then to deeply enlighten and deeply understand that kind of thing, and to teach while living as such. Only a great person can do it. But still, the teaching itself is a general truth. There is no reason that no one else can teach. However, the figure of Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospel is not like that. It goes far beyond the Old Testament prophets and other religious figures. About this, Karl Rahner says three things:
(1) Jesus of Nazareth is not the person who taught the theory of religion. He did not preach the mysterious relationship between God and man, and even if it was clarified, one would be saved and be happy on earth. Not even Jesus, who taught me the tricks of life and the secrets of getting into God. Apostles Creed, which summarizes and clearly shows the church's beliefs, illustrates this situation well. There is no such thing as the principle or the secret of a happy life that ordinary people do not understand, and if they know it, they can solve anything. "Jesus Christ, and nothing but Christ crucified on the cross" (1 Corinthians 2; 2).
(2) Salvation by Jesus Christ is one of the many possibilities in this world. Why was it Jesus Christ's way, not the other way? This is due to the will of Heavenly Father. In this respect, Christ's salvation is not like a mathematical formula. All mathematical formulas are absolute. That's all there is to it. On the contrary, there was no other way than God's Christ to save God in this world. I feel like I haven't done anything until then. There must have been another way. Even if I became a person, I didn't have to be selected for the suffering and death of the cross. There may have been a more gentle road. Nevertheless, the Son of God became a man himself, and he walked the path of painful suffering and cruel crosses. Since then, the salvation of the world has been due to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. "God made this Christ, and it was made into an offering by means of its blood, a redemption that should be received in faith .... In this way God himself becomes righteous and justifies those who believe in Jesus" (Rome3; 25). -26).
(3) The salvation of this world was realized by the suffering and resurrection of Jesus himself. It is not some kind of ideological enlightenment, or salvation due to how one has hearts and feelings.
It is a reality realized by Christ's death and resurrection. In the persona of Christ, the Son of God, Jesus' human form was decisively accepted by God. Humans then arrived in Christ Jesus, where they had to go completely. It is no longer necessary to wander lonely in strange places of this world.
Let's reconsider salvation based on these three things.

Who is Jesus Christ?

Who is Jesus Christ?

(2) Jesus Christ's human intelligence gradually awakens and grows as he walks through his life. It cannot be said that the appearance and shape of a child, even if it is a child, was all omnipotent and knowledgeable, wisdom, and hope, and that the spiritual life was completely an adult. Of course there was revelation from the side of God's intelligence.
And it was as long as the Lord needed to fulfill his age-appropriate mission. The Father's will was not even beyond the age of his son Christ on earth. Moreover, it is revealed by the need only when the Lord walks down the path of life on earth and goes on to do various things.
As a person, the Lord didn't know his history on earth from the beginning. There was no such thing as a program or a scenario from the Father, and he was not moving his mind and body exactly. I don't think that is the true life of a human being. Jesus is not the robot of Heavenly Father.
(3) Jesus Christ's self-consciousness seems to have been quite different from that of an ordinary person. This is also very difficult to imagine. Still, we can think of it as follows. We think of it as an independent entity separated from the people and things around us. But this is rather isolated. Not yet true independence. One can certainly think of one as one and distinguish it from the outside. In a sense, this is where human cognition is excellent.
However, weaknesses from the original sin also appear there. According to the Trinity, God's three personas are not isolated without a relationship between them. Only in the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Persona, and their relationship to each other, is the absolute God of each and every three. Thus, a person is the image of the Trinity God. From this point of view, it is rather imperfect that one can think of himself as an individual and separate from the other, as one would think of himself. From here on, we can peek at two facets of Christ's self-consciousness, a bit unimaginable for us who are guilty of the original sin.
(1) Christ's "self" is himself as a child who lives an absolutely infinite life in the fellowship of love between the Father and the Holy Spirit. I wasn't aware of myself as I was the only person who was isolated and distinguished from the other two personas.
② The self-awareness of the Lord is not only in the Trinity, but around this earth
Among the people, they were also tied together. So I didn't feel like I was the only one away from the people around me. In this relationship with the people around him, the mission of the Savior of the Lord was embedded in an inseparable form. Normally, first push away the people around you,
I try to confirm "only me". Only after that, "only me"
Try to confirm. Only then will he attempt to accomplish his "work" or task in the context of the people around him. In other words, make the relationship between God and your neighbor after first securing yourself. But this is human weakness. The truth is that each person lives as he or she is because of the relationship between God and his neighbor. Jesus Christ doesn't feel like he's the only one. The Gospels show it well. "My food is to do the work and do the work only for the one who sent me" (John 4; 34). `` I did not speak for myself, but the Father who sent me commanded what I should say and speak, '' (John 12; 49).
(4) Finally, another thing like the conclusion.
The Bible does not shrink both the divine and human reality of the Lord Jesus. Both of them appear in one human being named Jesus and they are realized together. Jesus is really God. Also a real person. Therefore, Christ theory must keep this line. If one ignores or neglects one of them, the theory of Christ deviates from the reality of Jesus. For example, there are souls who only emphasize the fact that they are the god of Jesus and believe that they are the gods, but only the name. On the contrary, in some cases, Jesus is just a human being, and being a god is just an addition. This is not true faith. This is one of the essential starting points for understanding the resurrection and for understanding who Jesus Christ is.

Jesus Christ’s resurrection in history, Bible, and religion

Jesus Christ’s resurrection in history, Bible, and religion Next, let’s think about the whole of the Christianity and the relations with resurrection of Christ. I want to consider more widely while putting the center for the resurrection but without being kept all the more. According to the Biblical Study, are different from the agreement that is delicate between what I write in a life of Jesus Christ and the post mortem real course and a Gospel and Apostel line record. I had been thinking about this discrepancy so far until now. However, it was so to speak an extremely superficial viewpoint.I did not yet enter the depth to the deep place I must think about. But this might be, in the end, a “stumbling block” when you read the Bible thoroughly and try to build a religious life according to the teachings and guidance of the Church. We must think about it once more. Let’s take a closer look at what the disciples actually saw when they met the Resurrected Christ. This is complicated and important. Step by step, to go without gaps it may seem cumbersome. I may peckout the thing which sometimes itself hides inside. However, it is the place that is important for many minutes. I want to think about being able to do it without minding the trouble to the last.

Death witness of the Lord's resurrection 

F Death witness of the Lord's resurrection 

What does this death really mean to me? 

It is not possible to know the details in advance. 

A man's mission is his own. The death whose mission is finally completed is also more and more exclusive to that person. But it shares the Passion of the Lord and the death on the Cross, thereby witnessing His resurrection. Here you can think of something fundamental, something in common. 

(1) It is the death of a tremendous love, showing a closeness to the infinite God. God asks for it at Christ. One gives to him all, and it is received as it is. This death does not necessarily take its breath immediately. Not an easy death. As Paul says, he died with the Lord in baptism and survived it throughout his life. It's terrible, but it doesn't calm the waves and it's deeply dead. In Christ it is called Passion and the Cross. There was a very severe death from the outside. In short, there is a horror at which a person surrenders itself and is robbed without a rest. 

(2) The suffering and death come from the person's actual life. It is not something people choose for themselves. It is not a kind of ascetic for discipline. Actual fighting. It is important to train your will and heart so that you can be holy. But what people can choose and decide for themselves is not yet the last for that person. At the end, it's no more your own choice.  


In the case of Christ's suffering and death, as the Father's will is developed in such a way that he cannot escape from the surroundings. It should have been. Christ's statement about his disciples is also severe. "Ye shall be brought before me to the ministers and to the kings, that they may testify against them and the Gentiles: brothers brothers, fathers sons. Give to kill, and the child will stand against the parents and kill them, and you will be hated by all in my name, but those who endure to the end will be saved. " Matthew 10; 16-23).   


It is especially strict to "endure to the end". People are crushed to testify until they die. Before the collapse of a person, the power of God's grace will reward the effort to make a "testimony", and if the splendid figure of the person is to shine, all must be willing to endure. That is how we stand in this world. But the Lord's words leave no room. Someday, if you have the sincerity, you may be able to understand. But this is not a Bible teaching. God ’s heart is everyone  

Before being sneered, Christ, the son of God, endured, as if abandoned by Heavenly Father, endured without saying a word.  

God's will was not understood until the end. If you do not endure that much, you will not be saved. You cannot choose such a last person by yourself.It is given only from God and from our neighbors.