Ojoh!'s long-range story

Our forefathers manna in the desert just as the scripture says, He gave them bread out of Heaven to eat. Then they asked him, "Then what sign can you give us that will you believe in you? What work are you doing? "(John 6-30)

This is rather than Jews asking for Moses's miracle, but rather the author of John explains the meaning of the miracle of Jesus' bread which has been increased, trying to make readers aware of the whole relationship between the sacrament of the Blessed Man and the Mana of Moses. The controversy about this communion was not itself a record of the actual controversy. It is a dialogue to explain the relationship between Moses and Christ, and is therefore in the form of questions and answers. And the author finally summarizes the whole at the end of Chapter 5. We can think that the end of Chapter 5 is a summary of the whole because it seems that five chapters were originally behind Chapter 6. "Don't think I'll sue you for your father. You are the one Moses who is asking you to accuse. If you believe in Moses, I would have believed it. Moses wrote about me. But if you don't believe what Moses wrote, how do you believe in my words? "(John 5 45-46).

John 5:45-46
Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuse you, even Moses, in whom you trust.   For had you believed Moses, you would have believed me; for he wrote of me.

C. Classification of Miracles
The Miracle of Christ can divide this into roughly five groups. The reason for this classification is to clarify what the gospel historian who wrote about the miracle and the entire first church tried to express by it, and what was thought in the miracle.
(1) First, a miracle that shows the compassion of God for life on earth and its poverty and misery. The bread increases, water is changed into wine, and the sickness is cured.
(2)Then, as a mighty savior, there is a miracle that shows the sight of Christ as a dependable eye to everyone, and relieves people of worry and fear.Christ, who walks on water and calms the storm, is calling on his disciples to trust (John 16-33, Matthew 8 – 26, 14 – 32).
(3)The devil is ugly. It is expelled from the evil spirits. Thus unleash this world from the devil's rule and try to show the figure of the Savior who brings the rule of the god of peace. At this time, the demon who is expelled screams Jesus as the child of God earlier than the people around him (Matthew 15-25, Marks 1-24 and 5-7).