Ojoh!'s long-range story

In this respect, one of the troubled things, not knowing how to adapt from the old days, there is an angel who appeared in the Tomb of the Lord at the time of resurrection.
Clearly, each evangelical historian was raising the quantity and quality of what appeared. When this happens, the original facts themselves become unknown. After all, just thinking about what the original facts were, there is a part that is not clear enough. For evangelical historians, it would be nice if it could be explained that the Lord Jesus was actually the resurrected Christ, with the emergence as a mediator. Now, let's ask four evangelical historians to ask why the writing on each other is different. Then four people,
"What we really want to say, and what we actually wrote, is one and the same thing, it is the fact of salvation due to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. " Why is it that such a little thing is taken up and the discrepancy? It must be refuted."

C. Two Extremes

From the standpoint of biblical studies, there is no doubt that the Lord Jesus did miracles in the world. However, it cannot be said that it is very certain about an individual miracle.
It is necessary to avoid two extremes here. First of all, the miracle that comes out in the book of the Gospel and the Apostle is all, and it is thought that it is a historical matter as it is extreme. Next, the extreme that thinks that all those miracles are not historical facts. Then, when the Bible is read about the miracle, it is not possible to alleviate the trouble to examine each one in detail. It is necessary to examine what kind of idea there is about each place based on a certain, professional research to some degree. It cannot be said that everything is certain, and it cannot be said that all are inaccurate.

D. Connection with the miracle of the Old Testament period

Even in the miracle of Christ, we must consider things like the connection with the Old Testament. Most of the miracles in the Old Testament are with Moses and Elijah. And so this extends to the New Testament. In other words, the figure of Jesus Christ resembles Moses and Elijah. It is a fact that Jews of those days waited for the Messiah (Savior) as Moses and Elijah the return of the area. The Gospel of John in particular seeks to clarify this relationship. In the controversy about the Eucharist, Jews are asking for a sign of miracle from Christ.

Then they asked him, “Then what sign can you give us that will make us believe in you? What work are you doing? Our forefathers ate manna in the desert just as the scripture says, ‘He gave them bread out of Heaven to eat.’”(John6-30)