f Change of times

The parables of Christ were handed down to the disciples and used much for the missionary work of the early church. The circumstances of society change with the times. Along with that, the situation of the circumstances of the mission change, and the use of parables also changes. One such change comes from the second half of the first century, when comfort and encouragement for those who keep their faith in fearful persecution become necessary. By the time the Lord Jesus was with us and firmly supported the disciples' hearts, such comfort and encouragement was not so much needed.

That is, when it comes to the second half of the first century, horrific persecution is imminent, and it lasts more than two hundred years. And on the other hand, the number of people inside the church has also increased, and among them there are many weak people, and it also occurs such an ugly confrontations and conflicts. Nevertheless, it seems unlikely that the end of the world that they thought would come soon. And, the desire to abstain from the body and to wait for the Lord seems to have loosened, and the doubt to the belief has occurred, too. The church, which had grown up, had to strengthen discipline, comfort and encourage those who were trying to drop out, sometimes encourage them to work hard with patience, in an effort to overcome them all.

This is all that was not necessary when a handful of people gathered around the Lord and saw the mysterious miracle we have never seen before. Under these circumstances, parables were also repeatedly spoken during the liturgical and missionary occasions, that is, at the time of Mass, dogma, and preaching, and were passed from person to person. Meanwhile, the form changes in accordance with the circumstances and needs of the time. By making this worse, it can not be taken that the early church remade itself or was sloppy. Rather, it is a difficult mission to go out to the whole world and to convey the teachings of Christ (Matthew 28: 19-20)
It is a manifestation of the tireless efforts to fulfill