living in the life of the Trinity

Comparing the three Synoptic Gospels, you can see that the same parables were spoken differently depending on the time and the case. The first church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, went with the reality of the place at that time. Traces of that effort are left in the gospel. It is not selfish that the original shape was changed on purpose at all. It can be said that the lord jesus is sure to talk like this if circumstances change after ten years or more that the lord jesus also writes his own talk according to the idea. In the deepest part, a precious life shines in the church where the Son of God is working with the reality of the world, meeting the Father directly, and living in the life of the Trinity.

Between SIGNS and its meaning
When reading the parables of Bible, we must consider the appropriate balance between the story itself and its interpretation. Some parables appear on the surface and play the role of pictures and signs. Furthermore, it has meaning as a substance that is expressed through the movement of the picture and calls to the mind of the listener. This part of the picture is in the form of an easy-to-understand story that is far simpler than the meaning behind.
But it's not just easy and plain. In that, complex content which cannot be expressed by the method of speaking only the meaning directly is included. How far the listener knows it depends on the listener's ear.

In the parable, there is a dimensional gap between the picture and its meaning. A picture movement that looks easy and kid-like, but have a deep insight of the call that is meant there. Then, in the parable, you have to make sure that there is a certain point where the meaning of the picture on this table is. This intersection is usually limited to only one point. Limited. And then, for things that deviate from this point, the power of the parable will no longer apply. In other words, thinking about the meaning at the point outside that point is a self-explanatory interpretation beyond the scope of the parable.